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Summerfest Website

March 12 2004 at 7:58 PM
Mark Cermak  

Summerfest Committee is proud to announce the brand new Summerfest website:

The website will have all the latest info on Summerfest with links to the hotel, airport, restaurants, etc., pictures of all past Summerfests I-V, a form to contact the Summerfest Committee with questions, comments or suggestions. Be sure to register to receive updates or other changes via email. Registering also gives you the ability to vote in the polls. Current poll: What IICRC class would you like at Summerfest 2004? Register, login and vote.

This will be the best Summerfest yet. Hope to see you there.

Mark Cermak
Summerfest Committee

ades gros

Re: Summerfest Website

March 13 2004, 12:26 PM 

Thanks Mark, it looks great.

One place to go to for summerfest now allright!!!!!

Tim Absher

In Knoxville, TN!!!!!

March 13 2004, 5:51 PM 

I was just wondering how much better could things get.... and now this!! I live just north of Knoxville and am so happy that I'll get to put faces to names(at least for most of you)!
Hey, there are alot of things to do around here so take some time and plan your trip.
If anyone has any questions-feel free to drop me an email or give me a call(423-569-4028)

Here is just a start: LOTS of hiking in the smokies(to buzy for me, I live on edge of the Big South Fork NRRA)
mountain biking, 4 wheeling, Dollywood(for those who like that sort of thing)with lots of shops around there, fishing, camping, some of the best rafting in the country.

Current Topic - Summerfest Website
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