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Encap with Host Machine

March 15 2004 at 8:14 PM
Doug DeLoach  

Plan on using Releasit tommorrow w/my Host Liberator. Any tips beyond the excellent info posted on this site?


Re: Encap with Host Machine

March 15 2004, 8:34 PM 

Been thinking about trying one of the earlier Host machines, let us know how it works.


Re: Re: Encap with Host Machine

March 16 2004, 12:38 AM 

I use a Host machine (T1 or T5?) I have the gold, white and zebra brushes. I use the gold most in residential, only because i needs a set of new white ones and I'm too cheap to buy em'!


steve roberts

host encap

March 16 2004, 11:10 AM 


I have tested encapping extensively with the Host machine. It is far to slow and just doesnt clean well enough in comparison to the cimex, however the host machines are great for tight in around office desks, furniture and perfect for stairs.

good luck
steve roberts
luv a rug
victoria bc canada


Re: host encap

March 16 2004, 1:22 PM 

Man there most be a few laying around out there gathering dust, could be used for those tight areas along with a Cimex, or grooming cut pile carpet behind a Cimex

Bo Newman

re;re;host machine

March 16 2004, 4:17 PM 

The Host machine is designed to agitate a dry substance, not a wet solution like Releasit. The bearings of the machine won't hold up and the motor itself is not really strong enough to do serious encapsulation work. The good thing - there are used ones around that could be used as a temporary solution. The better solution - a GLS machine along with the Cimex. There you've got it covered.
p.s. The Host does not have waterproof bearings like the GLS does, and other machines designed for encapsulation.

This message has been edited by on Mar 16, 2004 4:25 PM


Re: re;re;host machine

March 16 2004, 5:02 PM 

Have heard that most of the GLS machines have bearing
problems, any good suggestions on which one is better?

Bo Newman


March 16 2004, 8:06 PM 

I haven't heard of bearing problems with the GLS. Perhaps what you've heard about is gear stripping. This happens when people have a bad habit of entangling the power cord in the brush while running. The motor is strong enough to strip a gear that's made of some kind of plastic - designed to strip in this situation as a safety device to keep something more expensive from breaking.
Since I haven't had that problem I don't feel it is a
real problem. You'd have to be quite careless to get the cord entangled up that badly.


Re: re;re;host

March 16 2004, 9:10 PM 

Right that is what I meant not bearings, but gears


Re: Re: re;re;host

March 17 2004, 12:42 AM 

Bo, if ya pack those spider bearings first they go a LONG way. I was going through bearings fast till a smart repair tech solved my problem.


Current Topic - Encap with Host Machine
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS