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national contractors

March 16 2004 at 7:26 PM
joel hall 

couple questions.. do these mafia people usually control every single store..or do some still get seperated into regions.. meaning if the company X is over barnes and nobles..will that hold true for the entire united states..or do they get split up still...

if its all the same...does anyone know who is over some of the following stores...

payless shoe stores
hollywood videos
barnes and nobles
vista opticals..

or any other major chains that might be worth going after...


Rick Gelinas

Re: national contractors

March 17 2004, 12:04 AM 

Often times they're regional, so that they'll only cover certain states. I don't know which national contractors (a.k.a. MMM's) handle the stores you mentioned.

Rick Gelinas

Tom Rowe

Re: national contractors

March 17 2004, 9:53 AM 

The best way to find out is to go to those stores your interested in and ask the manager.

I've done some work for one of those mafia types. They had a nationwide contract on all of the Circut City's.

From what I've seen these companies come and go. They are paying next to nothing, and getting what they pay for,...then they lose the contract.

I'm sure some are better to work for than others.

joel hall

Re: Re: national contractors

March 17 2004, 12:05 PM 

the problem i having is the managers dont even know...they tell you to contact the district managers..and those people are impossible to track down...they have no offices or stores...they are just all over..and they dont return calls...

i know they pay squat..but some of these store like the payless shoe stores..there are 20+ in the to have one or two accounts like that would help with steady cash flow..even though the pay isnt great...

p.s. i can push that cimex pretty fast..hehe


John Rupich

Re: Re: Re: national contractors

March 20 2004, 12:29 AM 

We di over 300 Payless Shoe Stores & Parade of Shoes (owned by PSS) We started with one district, then all of the others followed suit. You will probably have to go through the District Manager. They usually have an office in one of the stores and are usually in the offices on mondays. It was a nice account to build our business to 5 trucks and was able to pay for equipment and employees that was needed for other larger accounts and jobs.

We also did about 30 or 50 Barnes and Nobels. Spoke with Director of Facilites on their NYC Corporate Offices.

Most of these accounts want a company that can handle a whole district or region, not just a store or two.

We Clean Grout, Inc. (no more carpets, thank god - no offense )

John Rupich

Current Topic - national contractors
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