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Cimex Use

March 22 2004 at 10:22 PM
Juan Rodriguez  

I dont own a Cimex. I have a rotary that I use when I encapsulate. The rotary moves side to side. Does the Cimex moves in the same direction as a rotary?

Thank You,


Tom Rowe

Re: Cimex Use

March 22 2004, 10:59 PM 

No, the Cimex is more like pushing a lawnmower. No side to side motion, or torque to deal with.
Cimex is much easier on your body,...especially if your gonna operate it for 6-8 hours or so.


Rick Gelinas

Rotary vs Cimex

March 23 2004, 8:09 AM 

Tom told you right. The Cimex pushes in a straight line like a lawn mower.

Here are some other differences...

The Cimex has a planetary design. The 3 brushes are counter-rotating. As the 3 brushes spin clockwise, the drive deck turns counter-clockwise.


(1) There's no side-to-side torque. Anybody can safely run the machine, even new techs.

(2) There's no tip bloom. Carpet fiber is not damaged. As opposed to a standard rotary machine or even an OP machine, you can run the Cimex in the same spot for an extended period of time and no damage whatsoever will result.

(3) The planetary rotation will not gobble up wire and cords. You can actually push phone wires, network cables, and power cords out of the way with rotating cleaning heads and nothing bad will happen. (Don't dare to try this with a standard rotary or a GLS machine.)

(4) The Cimex at rest with a full tank of detergent will not tip. A standard rotary machine with a solution tank full of detergent can tip very easily, so extreme caution is necessary with these machines. BTW the Cimex also has a large 6.6 gallon tank.

(5) DEEP AGITATION The planetary counter-rotating design provides unsurpassed agitation. We're addressing ALL sides of the fiber with each cleaning pass.

(6) The 400-RPM revolution of the cleaning heads are spinning over twice as fast as a typical rotary machine which turns at 175-RPM. So each pass with the Cimex is over twice as powerful as a rotary machine.

(7) There are 3 brushes on the Cimex as opposed to 1 brush on a rotary machine.


Factoring together numbers (6) and (7) above leads us to a 600% performance boost with the Cimex over a standard rotary machine. In other words, if we were to clean a dirty section of carpet with 3 passes with the Cimex, you'd need to make 18 passes with a rotary to achieve similar results. Add to that the planetary counter-rotating aspect mentioned in number (5) above and you can see that the Cimex is not even remotely in the same league with an ordinary rotary machine. With this method of cleaning, strong agitation is imperative.

So as you can see, although a Cimex or a rotary machine can be used for encap cleaning, there really is no comparison in the effectiveness between the two machines. Numbers 1-4 above highlight the safety aspects of the Cimex, while 5-7 show why it is a performance monster.

Comparing these two machines kind of reminds me of comparing a powerful truckmount to a supermarket rental. Both are HWE units, but there's a BIG difference in performance. So my advice is to try to get by with your rotary until you're in a position to make the move to a Cimex.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Mar 23, 2004 8:26 AM

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Rotary vs Cimex

March 24 2004, 12:46 AM 


If you use a roto, I suggest moving the head in ovals, overlapping each oval about half the previous oval, this will give a lot better results than side to side, or forward and back with a roto.

Instead of raising and lowering the handle to make it go side to side, keep the handle level, or as level as possible, and push forward and back, this will tend to make ovals- and not be as tiring as side to side motions.

Try it, I think you will agree it gives superior results for a roto. Whether with a brush, a bonnet, or a Fiber Plus pad.

But Rick really does have a point- a Cimex is quicker with better results. Get one when you can.



Re: Re: Rotary vs Cimex

March 25 2004, 8:36 AM 

We have both machines, but use the Cimex for encap cleaning 99.9% of the time, may use rotary in tight work spaces only. Try Gary's suggestion with the rotary it does make a big difference, and will give you better results that swinging the machine from side to side.

Current Topic - Cimex Use
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