Help please!
I need to assemble a group of your good experiences using the Cimex/Releasit system.
I received a call from Robert Martin from ShawTek in New York today. ShawTek handles Shaw's Commercial carpet care. Mr. Martin is a super nice guy who is very interested in seeing the Cimex/Releasit system being utilized by Shaw.
BTW I've also been attempting to work with a representative from Beaulieu's commercial division.
What does mill involvement mean for all of us? As the mills become aware of this system it stands to reason that we'll see this system become a recommended cleaning system. Those of us who use this system know that it's next to IMPOSSIBLE to even remotely damage a carpet with the planetary scrubbing action of the Cimex.
At this point the Cimex has not been worked through the mills here in the US. To do this effectively requires a lot of time, effort, and resources. Up until recently when we put the Cimex on the map, this quite frankly wasn't a priority.
The Cimex has some mill approval in its native country of England. Notice the reference to the "Cimex" in this Interface Product Care Guide from Europe (page 5)...
At this point Cimex's manufacturer in England, the importer in the USA, and myself are ambitiously interested in seeing mill approval move forward, so we are beginning to work on this.
It's not the end of the world one way or the other whether we get further mill approval. As anyone who has ever run a Cimex is aware, the Cimex is a safe machine on account of its planetary design. In fact the machine can spin on the very same spot of carpet for an EXTENDED amount of time, and no damage will result (while other machines would destroy the carpet, or at the very least generate mounds of carpet fuzz).
So with or without further sanctions from the mills, the Cimex will remain King in the commercial carpet care world. But additional industry recognition would be nice.
If you would like to help out, here's what the representative from ShawTek has asked me for... "empirical data" from the field.
In other words, your success stories put down in writing. This will enable Mr. Martin to return to Shaw with real life experiences in hand.
Your assistance with this will mean a lot to me as well as to the future development of this cleaning method within our industry.
You can share your experiences here. Or you can e-mail them to me and I will pass them along to ShawTek.
So please take a moment and put your thoughts down in writing. If you have photos that would be nice too.
THANK YOU for your assistance with this project!!!
Rick Gelinas