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Helpful Hint for Cimex

March 30 2004 at 11:10 PM
Bo Newman 

Well, since things have been a bit slow on this site I thought I would add something that might be of help.
Question - do you empty the tank of your Cimex after every job? Do you ever empty the tank? Well, for those who do, how do you do it? Here's my solution.
I sliced a corner off the top right corner of the solution tank which left a hole about the size of a quarter or maybe a bit bigger. When I tip it back the solution runs out the tank real slick into whatever I have to catch it. I also have a plastic pan about four and one-half inches high to catch the last bit of solution when I lay the handle completely down.
It will drain out completely.
P.S. When I say "corner off the top right corner", it's
actually the bottom of the top right corner. Or, you
can just ignore what I just said and figure it out for yourself.

This message has been edited by on Mar 31, 2004 2:45 AM

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Helpful Hint for Cimex

March 31 2004, 7:17 PM 

Good point!!

IMO, it's always a good idea to empty the tank after each day, if not each use. Changing formulas, or letting the last dregs dry out in the tank is not a good idea, can cause clogs, etc.

I use a roto, with the chemical feed running from the tank to the top of the solenoid that controls the dropping of the chemical onto the back of the brush (shower feed), and it is easy to drain the tank by taking off the hose running from the tank to the solenoid, and allowing the solution to run into a bucket, jug, whatever.


steve dobson

Re: Helpful Hint for Cimex

April 1 2004, 8:09 AM 

i take the tube off the bottom of the tank, i place a glass below the on/off red valve and empty the tank into it, then pour that used solution into an empty releasit gallon that is marked accordingly to not get it confused with a new gallon of Releasit. I use a big black, non erasable marker on the jug so that it is obvious.
I then , re-hook the tubing, put the head down and run a gallon or two of water thru it (if i am not going to use it for a couple of days or more) and let it drain on the floor or ground outside prior to loading.
there seems to be just a bit left in the tank after doing this, about 1/2" since it wont go over the top of the drain or filter in the bottom of the tank and out into the glass. but i just leave that.
Its not enuf to mess up the mixture when i repour the used back in and then add new, hot solution when I am ready to clean again.
When I am ready to clean again too, if i would have alot of used that was leftover, i would pour it first into a gallon pitcher and put the bucket heater in there for a couple of minutes, get it to temp, then pour it into the tank and then add new hot to it.
The thing to do is estimate accordingly to the size so that you dont have much leftover and then you dont have to worry about this step. I know, sometimes easier said than done.
Good luck.

This message has been edited by on Apr 1, 2004 8:17 AM

Current Topic - Helpful Hint for Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS