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Encapping pet urine

March 31 2004 at 7:52 PM
Gary R. Heacock  

So, at Mrs. Piffelton's, she got a new rug for her kitchen. 4 x 9, black nylon, with a poly back. Just what you might expect. Or not. Been down 6 weeks. She smells urine, but nothing shows on the face of this black rug. I am gonna take it in to wash. As I roll it up, the backing which is white shows about 20 urine deposits. No wonder it stinks.

Anyway, I was doing the encap trick with the rest of her carpets, and wondered how well the Releasit would work on the urine deposits. I just happened to have my new digital camera handy and took some pics before and after.

Well, there WAS the slight outline of 2 of the worst deposits, the rest disappeared. Nothing to see on the face, but it got the same treatment.

That was yesterday. Today it is dry (whadya expect?) and no odor.

Now, I know Releasit was not made specifically for this purpose, and if it had not worked, I would have done this rug the way I usually do them, but I do like the quicker- and cheaper way to do this.

Maybe it would not work for this purpose on other rugs or carpets, but unless ya give it a try, ya never know.

Should I charge her less because the job was quicker and easier?


If anybody wants to see the pics, e-mail me, I ain't gonna put them on the web.




March 31 2004, 8:45 PM 

Gary I would like to see these pictures. Today I had a job and the lady had a 18 year old male cat. She said he has been having accidents. I have to disagree. Because when we tried to move the stereo cabinet and speakers they were glued down with urine! I mean if we had moved these items they would have fallen apart. Mabey this case is too extreme for encap.

Gary R. Heacock


April 1 2004, 7:39 PM 

Doug- e-mail me, and I will send you the photos. gets to me quicker.

As far as Releasit doing the job, I could not say. What works one place under one circumstance may not work in another case. But you can certainly try it.

Anyway, I am quite certain Bac-Out will do the job- that's what I have used for a lotta years on some pretty bad urine jobs.

Try this- put Bac-Out on one area and Releasit on another area- sounds like you have plenty of test areas- see what does the best job, and go from there.

However, if it is SOOOO bad, replacement might be the best option.

If this is a continuing problem, in your e-mail to me, ask for How To Train A Cat, and I will send to you, this works. I get these ideas from my customers and try it on my own cat, and I see they do work.

No charge, of course.


Current Topic - Encapping pet urine
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS