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Encap'ed With My Host

April 6 2004 at 3:44 AM
Derek Beyer  

for the 1st time on Saturday. opened up my sample from Rick (thanx). the area was only about 8'x8'...a free demo for an office we clean nightly.

i chose the dirtiest area in the building. prevac'ed like crazy, then ran over the area with the Host (dry) and vac'ed the area a 2nd time. sprayed Releasit on with a pump-up sprayer, made me wanna sneeze something fierce lol. (i assume using a unit with a shower feed would help stop that.?.) then slowly went over the area with the Host. still had some Releasit in the sprayer, so gave it a 2nd coat and Host'ed it a 2nd time (wasnt sure if the Releasit needed dwell time or not...).

talk about a fast system! and the carpet was far dryer immediately after, than carpet ever has been for me HWE'ing. oh yea, looked pretty good to. traffic lane was still slightly visible, but i wasn't surprised. carpet hasnt been cleaned in well over 3 years. and i know using the Host it wont give it the agitation of a rotary or Cimex.

that said, i was still greatly surprised and encouraged to seriously consider this method from now on for commercial CC'ing. with the results and to a lesser extent, the speed, how could any1 go wrong?

only problem now is, what machine to invest in...Cimex, GLS or Rotary? are there any other options besides those 3? the commercial office cleaning accounts that i CC at are in the area of 10,000 sq.ft. with alotta tight cubicles and practical is the Cimex in those situations? 1 thing that sounds better on the Cimex in those areas, is that it doesnt "eat" up any cords / wires.

thanx for any input fellas!

--- Derek


Re: Encap'ed With My Host

April 6 2004, 1:22 PM 

If serious about encapsulation you will need a Cimex and maybe a rotary for tight office areas, although you will be surprised how the Cimex can be worked around in tight areas, my only wish for the Cimex machine is that it would bet just a bit closed to baseboards etc. other than that it is the best unit for appling agitation
That's my two cents worth.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Encap'ed With My Host

April 6 2004, 2:29 PM 

Glad to hear that you had success with your first trial with encaposulation!

The sneezing can occur when the detergent is atomized in a fine spray. I recommend using a course tip sprayer, that will take care of it for you.

And Don is right. The Cimex will surprise you when you see how it slips in and out of confined tight areas.

Cubicles? NO PROBLEM!

Here's how we do cubicles. We scrub the main area of the cubicle. We then let completely go of the machine while it's still running (try that with a rotary . We pull the chair put from under the desk. Scrub under the desk. Let go of the machine again (still running). Slip the chair back under the desk. And we're out of there.

Oh. One more thing. The Cimex will not gobble up phone wires, power cords, network cables, etc. So it's great to shove it under a desk without any worry.

And for Don’s request about the edges, here’s a cool tool that Gary Heacock turned me on to. It works great for getting the edges...

Edge/Filtration Brush
view details

Keep up the good work

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Encap'ed With My Host

April 6 2004, 2:38 PM 

Cool looking tool, looks like it could be multi purpose like even I could use it on the golf course.
Ship me one Rick

Jerry Edsall

Hey Derek

April 6 2004, 5:11 PM 

I too, use a spray wand with Releasit and it will definitely make you sneeze & cough...I have tried a fine tip, a course luck...the only solution for me has been a shower feed, as it is actually supposed to be used....problem solved.

but you're right, I sneeze and cough like crazy when spraying it....small price to pay for such excellence lol



Rick Gelinas

Hey Jerry

April 6 2004, 5:42 PM 

Try using the $20 ROUND-UP brand 2 gallon pump sprayer, available at Home Depot. It has a fan tip that works great, and it's a nice sprayer to work with. We use these and have no problem whatsoever with choking or sneezing. And I'm very sensitive to chemicals besides.

Rick Gelinas

Jerry Edsall

Re: Hey Jerry

April 6 2004, 6:15 PM 

oh yea, I remember you mentioning that...I use the pepsi spray tanks and like 'em...besides, if I keep sneezing, it'll remind me that I need to open my checkbook for a cimex lol

I'm waiting on this one acct. to finally sign my quarterly maint. contract, and that's when I will reward myself with a new cimex, YAY !

Thanks again for the advice though, Rick.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Re: Hey Jerry

April 7 2004, 6:34 PM 

There are several shampoos that make me sneeze when sprayed. I quit using them. The Releasit does not- and Bi-O-Kleen products Bonnet Cleaner does not.

I use a size 06 jet in my electric sprayer, and it DOES put more in the air than when shower feeding. I can certainly smell the tea tree oil when spraying, but does not affect me- or my customers- so far.


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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS