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Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??

April 7 2004 at 11:07 PM
Derek Beyer  

anyone tried this? is it feasible? what kinda results can one expect? would it be comparable to using CTI's Crystal Rinse, or better? i would think with the protectant built into the Releasit, it would work better.

thanx for any feedback fellas

--- Derek.

Jerry Edsall

Re: Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??

April 8 2004, 12:10 AM 

Hey Derek, I'm not the ReleasIT expert, but I do like it alot and read everything I can from Rick & Gary, and I'm sure they'll correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, they amount of "protectant" (Zonyl) that's in ReleasIT, is not enough to really give true "Protectant" benefits. It is just part of the polymer that helps form the crystal. I think I heard Rick say it will give 'some' protectant qualities, but not really enough to be a selling point or really worth mentioning....

Rick, am I close on this explanation ??

As for the HWE rinse, I look forward to Rick's answer also, but I think I remember him saying he was possibly developing a new chemical for just that purpose..?? Again, he'll slap my wrist and correct me if I'm wrong

Good thread though, will follow it for some great answers.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??

April 8 2004, 10:06 AM 

Jerry is close to being correct.

Things have changed since we reformulated Releasit with the new fluorochemical. To begin with, the new fluorochemical we're using is no longer Zonyl. Our new fluorochemical is a WHOLE LOT BETTER than Zonyl!

Whereas I was shy about proclaiming Releasit's soil resistance properties when it contained Zonyl, I'm not reluctant at all to inform you that our new fluorochemical will produce some NICE soil resistance. It's not going to make liquid bead up on the surface like an after protector spray. But it will definitely help the fiber to resist resoiling.

Regarding the HWE products. Yes, I am working with our chemist on the idea of developing some HWE products that incorporate our current technology. The chemist has assured me that it can be done.

I have been given nine test samples so far. None of the test samples have been satisfactory. I am expecting more samples to arrive in the next few days. We're getting closer to having the product done right, and it will be exciting when and if the time comes. But I will NOT rush a product to market that isn't right.

It's kind of funny to see my chemist struggling to get these formulas to come out right on the money, considering that they already understand what went into our original Releasit formula. But I've learned from experience that developing good crystallizing chemistry is a challenging proposition. Long story short, the new HWE products are moving closer.

To answer the original question posed above, I think you'll find our original Releasit would have too much foam to use as a HWE rinse agent.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??

April 8 2004, 12:44 PM 

It will not work as a rinse, to much foam. But I have been playing with it and it works good for spots if you just mist it on and lightly brush it in.


Re: Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??

April 8 2004, 5:47 PM 

until rick developes a chemical, pro's choice has a product called crystal rinse. It works good, has anti resoil properties, but doesn't help the quick resoiling problems of olefin


Re: Re: Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??

April 8 2004, 8:19 PM 

So if it doesn't work on olifen, how does it work on other fibers?
Just a question, in my 35 years plus in this business things like this always amaze me, a rinse agent that is so great, yet it doesn't work.


Re: Re: Re: Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??

April 8 2004, 9:54 PM 

It works fine on olefin. I clean a couple of commerical carpets that the customers of the shop come right off a black top parking lot. I was just trying to say that it didn't matter which system or product that was used, the rapid resoiling still happens. Does any one have a solution to this problem?

Current Topic - Use Releasit as a HWE Rinse??
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