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Gary H....

April 8 2004 at 2:12 AM
Derek Beyer  

when upholstery encap'ing, would one need to be concerned with post-vac'ing the next day?
or do you just "shampoo" / scrub it in and your done?

thanx for any help --- Derek

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Gary H....

April 8 2004, 8:42 PM 

So far, I have only used it on olefin velvet or corduroy/chenille materials, and it worked just fine as far as cleaning goes. I first vacuumed with my little Dirt Devil electric vac pretty thoroughly, to remove all the loose dirt, pet hair, etc I could. About vacuuming it later- I really don't know.

I did tell the customers to vac it in a week or so, whenever she normally did it, but no special vacuuming directions.

It's only a guess, but thinking there is so much less dirt per sq ft on furniture compared to carpets, I did not feel there could be much dirt left that was encapsulated.

Anyhoo, I just sprayed it on, run my furniture roto on it with a 7 inch Cimex type Fiber Plus pad, and was done. Oh yeah, groomed it, as with any pile furniture fabric.

At Winterfest, doing my furniture demo, I gave one throw pillow a dose of the concentrated Releasit, to see what happened with it when dry. Well, there was nothing to feel, nothing to be seen, so I felt confident enough to use it on furniture.

Now, I do lots of furniture, but after the second one, the customer has been watching me, or nearby, and this is something I don't want the customer to see, at least until I have total confidence in it as a furniture cleaner- which is not yet.

Oh yeah. Yesterday's furniture was 2 white cotton Captain's chairs- pretty dirty. I am gonna HWE them with my dry technology furniture tool. The arms of Mr's chair was really bad from hand soils, and newspaper inks. Before I set up my truck mount (I am gonna clean a bunch of carpets there too) I gave those arms a dose of the 50-50 Releasit mix, and scrubbed it in. Some 20 minutes later when I got to Mr.'s chair, that heavy soil came right off. Piece of cake!!


Current Topic - Gary H....
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS