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April 8 2004 at 8:27 PM

Looks like the pad man has nothing to do to-day so he is attacking encap cleaning post vacuuming not removing the detergent from the fibers.
Every system has it share of grey areas, including pad cleaning used to remove urine from carpets, I am trying to figure out how you use a water claw with a pad machine to remove that deep down urine deposit that no pad machine I have ever seen could possibily remove.
Just another grey area.
Let's start a list of all the grey areas from all the different systems used in to days industry.


Re: Padman

April 8 2004, 10:16 PM 

I just purchased a 19" cimex. I clean a University. Almost all carpet is jute backed. Problem 1, HWE get the carpets clean, but the jute backing of the carpet leaves a musty smell, years of improper cleaning by someone else. Still smells a little with pad cleaning, but smell doesn't hang around. Problem 2, cleaning at night, I have a noise problems with a truck mount system. Problem 3, although I have a newer truck mount with plenty of vacuum, dehumidifiers and fans, I some times can't get the carpets dry fast enough or get enough air to the 5th floor in August. Problem 4, I always have a security problem, the hoses have to get into the building some how. I am hoping the Cimex solves all my problems. Have used the chemical and pads with a 15" hand scrubber and everything has been fine. Problem 5, some people are sensitive to smells when HWE is used in confined areas, haven't had a problem yet with releasit.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Padman

April 8 2004, 11:40 PM 


John asked a simple question. I promptly answered him. His question was a basic one. Yet after his question was answered clearly his attitude has continued to be challenging. His approach to this whole thing has got me puzzled.


I believe that you should be able to tackle the areas that you're concerned about with your new Cimex. Give me a call tomorrow and we can spend a few minutes running through all your questions. Thanks for your order!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Padman

April 9 2004, 1:18 AM 


weather is beautiful in oregon this weekend. Taking a few days off and going to the beach, fish and dig some clams. will call next week. when would be a good time to call?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Re: Re: Re: Padman

April 9 2004, 7:57 AM 


Monday morning is good for me. Have a fun weekend!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Padman

April 9 2004, 2:50 PM 

Rick, the stupid part of the whole exercise was, John and Steve new the answer going into the debate. They seem to do this everyonce in a while trying to prove how much they know, and how little the rest of us think we know.
Remember Rule #1.
Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

Jeff Brown

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Padman

April 9 2004, 10:05 PM 

Better be careful, you'll get banned from the ccc board like me and many others for questioning John's motives and or equipment. LOL


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Padman

April 10 2004, 1:35 PM 

No big deal 90% of the posts are about Bush and Kerry anyway.

Steve Smith in Tennessee

Hey Don... talk to me man.

April 10 2004, 7:53 PM 

Please quote me on what I said that upset you! What did I say that I already knew the answer too?

If you have a problem with me, you don't have to hide over here to talk about me... I have never said anything derogatory about you... ever, but if I did I would just come directly to you.

Give me a call at my home number 615-443-4291 and let's talk about why you feel the need to dis me over here... fair enough?

Rick, are you in agreement with Don about me?


Nope, not a chance

April 10 2004, 8:56 PM 

Don, if you read my posts you would see questions.
I stated RELEASIT is the best chemical I have used AND that the method is great.

Please define how that is negative?

As to the questions, I got them, from others, but got them nonetheless.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Nope, not a chance

April 10 2004, 11:35 PM 

To answer your question Steve... as you remember, I jumped to the wrong conclusion with your position once before and later felt obliged to say I was mistaken and apologize. So no Steve, I'm not in a hurry to repeat that same mistake again.

It seems that this electronic form of communication can sometimes be easily misunderstood. I think that without the spoken words, at times each of us can lose something in the translation, with only the typed words to go by. So it can be difficult to determine what people’s true feelings and motivations are as they post on these boards. I know at times I have come to the wrong conclusions in the past. So I try not to be too hasty when I reply. It's hard to take back things after we hit the "respond" button.

Rick Gelinas

Steve Smith

Re: Re: Nope, not a chance

April 11 2004, 6:00 AM 

Thanks Rick... I could not agree with you more. There can't be many of us that hasn't regretted hitting that post button at least once. In my case it has certainly happened more than once. LOL

BTW, I continue to praise Releasit's excellence and my hat is off to you for your accomplishment.

Steve Smith

Current Topic - Padman
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS