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April 14 2004 at 8:19 AM
Gary Roland  

Was wondering what everyone else is using on steps. Trying to see what different types of machine scrubbers there are for this. Don't have one but looking. Was wondering what Tom Rowe is using, also.

Gary Roland

Derek Beyer

Re: Steps!

April 14 2004, 1:39 PM 

just going by what others have typed up...

some use some smaller type of cylindrical brush, others use a smaller rotary like the orbitec (sp), or the smaller handheld rotary sold by US Products which can be used on furniture also.

other actual users will hopefully chime in with there help to lol

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Steps!

April 14 2004, 5:29 PM 

We use and recommend the little Oreck Orbiter for steps. It's a cheesy little machine, but it does the job just fine. It's available at

We now have the 12" FiberPlus pads for the Orbiter machine too.

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Steps!

April 14 2004, 9:04 PM 

I prefer using my US Products furniture and stair roto. A good size, light weight, and I have had it for a lotta years. Works great with the 7 inch Fiber Plus pads.


Gary Roland


April 15 2004, 8:09 AM 

Do you know their web site?

Mark Dullea


April 15 2004, 11:03 AM 

Go to Sears or an auto parts supply store. Buy a 10" orbital car buffer.
Glue on a circle of heavy-duty velcro. Spray the carpet. Scrub & clean.
Or you could use a smaller diameter buffer without sacrificing speed. Like a
6" or 7". The smaller face allows you to bear down if needed more where the heaviest soil concentrations, or spots are. The smaller one is also preferable
if the actual carpeted area of the step is reduced by some kind of plastic lip.

Mark Dullea

Derek Beyer

Re: Steps

April 15 2004, 12:18 PM 

Gary, goto google and do a search on : us products carpet
try and find it that way.
using google to find info about carpet or anything else is vital to know when using the net.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Steps!
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