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April 17 2004 at 4:06 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Somebody has been coming to our message board and posting porn. I have banned their IP address, and then they come and do it again using a different computer.

So from now on anybody who would like to post on this board will need to LOG-IN first. (You can still read the messages, even if you don't Log-In.)

Setting up a "Log-In" name only takes a moment.

Our forum hosting company is Network-54. It's very simply to setup an account at Network-54. It will only take you about 60 seconds, and then you're good to go. Posting in the future will be automatic after you're set up.

A suggestion for setting up your User Name:

TWO WORD names won't work.
This won't work... Rick Gelinas

However, names separated with an underscore will work.

Hopefully this little deterrent will keep this LOSER from posting here anymore.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 17, 2004 6:41 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 17, 2004 4:16 PM

Mike Hogan


April 17 2004, 7:04 PM 

I guess one of the "children" on the other board
felt like playing a joke......what a pathetic bunch
they are.

Derek Beyer

IP Trace

April 20 2004, 12:43 PM 

if you'd like, PM or email me this fools ip#, i can run a trace route for ya & get an idea where he lives...just so ya know who it is hehe

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: IP Trace

April 21 2004, 2:09 PM 

The first time porn was posted, I was so shocked and angry I just quickly deleted the post. Then afterward I thought DOH! - I should have first obtained the IP address so that I could ban it.

The next two time that porn was posted - I collected the IP numbers before deleting the post. And then I banned the user from our forum.

Here are the two IP addresses that I collected...

I ran a check on these IP addresses and I see that they originated in Asia. That explains the oriental text associated with each of these posts.

I also checked with the Network54 administrator and I understand that this porn has hit several Net54 forums across their network, not just ours. So Mike, it looks like the guys on the other board are off the hook.

Hopefully requiring a Log-In will clear this up.

Rick Gelinas

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You are a guest here so we invite you to please post respectfully. Enjoy!

Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS