It’s been brought to my attention that a certain distributor is featuring a 15” Cimex by itself for $450 under the suggested list price. I also recently heard about another distributor who actually resorted to placing a brand new Cimex on an E-Bay Auction (unbelievable).
All of the Cimex distributors are directed to maintain their prices within a percentage of the manufacturers suggested list price. And these distributor’s pricing ploys are out of line with Cimex pricing and the sales terms for the US market.
The importer (Cimex USA) is interested in seeing that all the dealers maintain fair pricing policies and that they're not engaged in price warring. I've been told that Cimex will not support distributors who engage in these unauthorized sales tactics.
So a word of caution... before you get excited about a deal that sounds to good to be true, consider this... perhaps it is too good to be true.
Here's an example of a deal that is not a deal at all. In the case of the 15” machine that I mentioned above – the importer won’t supply a machine for that price. Todd Jordan of Cimex USA told me earlier today that he will no longer honor any pricing that is outside of the stated price structure. So if a person ordered one of those units - they would not likely receive a machine (that stinks).
Cimex is a quality brand. And frankly, Cimex doesn't see the need to retain dealers whose sales are so sluggish that they try to jump-start their sales with unsubstantiated discounts. According to Todd Jordan, this is not what Cimex and its parent company Truvox have in mind for the Cimex line.
Realistically, the Cimex is worth more than the current prices - not less. Anyone who owns one can attest to that.
Personally speaking Excellent Supply will continue to offer the deepest discounts that Cimex USA will permit us to offer. In doing so we will uphold the brand and honor our agreement to sell according to the standards set forth by Truvox and Cimex USA.
As the United States Master Cimex Distributor, I'm certainly not pleased to see distributors blowing prices around that aren't even real. I’ve personally worked hard to make the industry aware of this fine piece of equipment. And I’ve demonstrated (even to the skeptics) that the Cimex is an awesome machine for commercial carpet care – especially for encapsulation cleaning. I have brought this machine to the light of the industry. And I continue to do as much as I can to assist the cleaners who are using these machines to become proficient and make good money in the commercial carpet cleaning market.
The bottom line is this: I’m not going to sit back and allow a goof ball distributor to run amuck with the Cimex line. So if it comes down to an issue of pricing here’s what I will personally do. I will eat the difference between the real price and the “discounted” price, in order to make the deal work for the customer. I have already trimmed our prices as low as we’re permitted to go. However if a distributor is stating “too good to be true” discounted pricing – just let me know and I will see to it that the price will be honored for you. After you have received the machine at the advertised unauthorized price, Cimex will follow up and decide whether or not to pull the line from that distributor.
It’s unfortunate that some dealers don’t have enough sense to adhere to the guidelines that the manufacturer has established. Cimex USA is working to rectify the situation and take care of the public. And I will assist you guys any way that I can too.
Rick Gelinas