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The Cimex Life Style !!

April 24 2004 at 7:13 PM
Mark Stanley  

You know.........

To me, the Cimex is an incredible, "state of the art", cleaning machine.

But, to my kids......

Its just a Big Yellow Horsie!!!!!!!


Rick Gelinas

Re: The Cimex Life Style !!

April 25 2004, 9:26 AM 

Cute kids Mark And I know you LOVE them a lot. Adam sure has gotten big, I remember when he was born.

Where was that table displayed? Where you doing a "home show"? Details please.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Apr 26, 2004 9:38 AM

Derek Beyer

Re: The Cimex Life Style !!

April 25 2004, 11:28 AM 

lol, cute kids

i agree, to me the Cimex wreaks of professionalism!

what kind of raffle do ya have going there? and what kind of vac is that?

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Apr 25, 2004 11:28 AM

Mark Stanley


April 25 2004, 3:30 PM 

Thanks! I do love them more than I can possibly convey!

Rick, Derek,

That vacuum cleaner is a Panasonic "Quick Draw" upright. I bought it from Hesco for $145.00 (I think). Its a great vacuum cleaner and does everything I need it to (plus, press a button and the AC cord rolls itself up - I love that!) Not the ultimate vacuum cleaner, for sure, but for the price its a great unit.

The booth was at last month's Chamber of Commerce "Businees to Business" Expo. I was out there in the sun for 9 hours and got a little sun-burnt! I was giving out the Cimex/ReleasIt System marketing piece, business magnets, and chocolate (had to put ice on it to keep it from melting). I stayed at the booth while wifey went around and giving out promotionals. We made a lot of contacts.

The tumbler was for businesses to put their cards into. At 5:00, we drew the winning card and that company received 1000 square foot of carpet cleaning for free. The other cards were still valuable as they represented "sales leads".

Work, work, work. Marketing and promotion really is fun! The more I do it, the better I get at it. I hope! :P

Derek Beyer


April 25 2004, 11:10 PM 

looks really impressive & professional. i dont have the ppl skills to do that i dont think. great idea tho Mark!


Current Topic - The Cimex Life Style !!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS