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Lurkers are welcomed to post

May 4 2004 at 12:10 AM

Rick Gelinas  

We had 725 page views today.

It looks like we've got a lot of people who read but they don't post.

Well to all you "readers" here's your invitation...

Stick around, share a thought, ask a question, give an opinion, whatever you like.

It's more interesting when you guys get talking.

So jump on in, the water's fine!

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Lurkers are welcomed to post

May 4 2004, 12:12 AM 

yes please do, i can only re-read so many posts!

thanx --- Derek.


So I'm a lurker now?

May 5 2004, 10:43 AM 

Hi all, I have been sick for about a month and a half. Yuck. So I haven't done anything or been posting though I have been checking this board once in a while.

I am feeling much better now, though a little worse for wear, and I have written a new sales letter and am starting to test a few today. Will keep you posted, but please don't ask for the sales letter until I find out if it works or not. It probably won't, most don't, but I keep trying until I find one that does. So if it works I will let you know and provide Rick with a sample.

Derek Beyer

Re: So I'm a lurker now?

May 5 2004, 12:45 PM 

glad your feeling better Jim

lookin forward to seeing your work!

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Jim Wolverton

May 5 2004, 10:30 PM 

Jim it's G-R-E-A-T to see you back with us.

While you were away I posted the following sales cover letter. I’d love to get your feedback on it. (For those who don’t know who Jim Wolverton is, Jim was one of the main guys who wrote material for Joe Polish. Jim has moved on since then. And he still knows how to write great copy.)
So Jim, what do you think?...

Dear [[First Name]],

Hi! My name is Rick Gelinas; I called your office today. My company has been providing commercial cleaning services to businesses just like yours since 1982. In the past 22 years I’ve learned a lot about caring for commercial floor coverings. And I would like to show you how your carpet can look like new again. We have a long list of clients throughout the Tampa Bay area who love our service. You will too!

Your Carpet Can Look Like New: I’m very proud of my company and my team of technicians. I still personally oversee day to day business operations and I personally guarantee that you will receive an outstanding service experience when you choose Kleenstep. Our Cimex/Releasit encapsulation cleaning process will restore your carpet’s appearance. The powerful planetary scrubbing machines that we use penetrate deep into the fiber to deliver effective and safe cleaning to all commercial floor coverings. The color of the fiber becomes muted when soil is present. It’s surprising to see how vibrant clean carpet can actually look!

Tired Of Recurring Spills And Ugly Carpets? So are we! For years it was just expected that commercial carpets would eventually “ugly out” and go to an early grave. Not any longer! We’re implementing exciting new technology that keeps the carpet clean longer between servicing. Instead of seeing the carpet quickly resoil after it’s been cleaned, carpets are now looking better with each cleaning. For years it was also expected that drink spills would continue to return following the cleaning. Well not anymore! Our unique soil crystallizing spill treatment completely eliminates those recurring spills. We guarantee the best looking carpets you’ve ever seen!

You Spend A Third Of Your Life At Work: Eight hours a day. That’s a third of your life. We recognize that your place of business is your home away from home. We can make it a nicer place to spend the day. Don’t you deserve to spend a third of your life in an attractive, clean and healthy environment?

Save A Bundle Of Money: A 5 year old carpet that has been cleaned on a regular basis will maintain a 92% appearance rating. Whereas a 5 year old carpet that has been neglected will only hold a 50% appearance rating (according to Allied Fibers). So it makes sense to take care of your carpeting investment. And I will save you money when it comes to taking care of your carpeting. Our rates are extremely reasonable. Again, 22 years of experience have taught me how to be very competitive. When we meet I can show you how much you can plan to save.

Why Settle For Poor Service? Your complete satisfaction is double guaranteed!
1. If the service experience is not the most outstanding that your company has ever received, we will rush to your location to make it right.
2. If you are still unimpressed, we will refund 100% of your money.

I’d Like To Offer You A FREE Carpet Inspection And A FREE Demo: When I stop by to meet with you briefly, I will show you exactly how we can work together to maintain your carpets. I will also provide you with a free carpet and maintenance inspection. And I will clean any 100 sq. ft. section of your carpet absolutely FREE (we’ll even clean your dirtiest section). This will give you an opportunity to see the quality of our service without obligation.

I’ll contact you in a few days to consider how we can provide clean & attractive carpet for your company!

Best Regards,

Rick Gelinas

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Lurkers are welcomed to post
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS