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Customer Satisfaction - Releasit

May 4 2004 at 12:56 PM

I'm new to the carpet cleaning business. I just did 2 demos this past week and I must say I'm sure impressed with the Releasit product and the customers reaction to it. Both hired me on the spot. Many thanks to Mark Dullea, Gary Heacock and Rick for their help with their Releasit tips.

Let me explain: I sent out about 100 of Ricks letters to customers. 2 weeks later I get 2 calls. I set up an appointment thinking I'm going to really need to sell my services now. What happened in both cases was this: I picked an area that has a few spots or stains that the customer considered to be unworkable. I agitated the stain with a brush, vacuumed it then spray the 50/50 Releasit mixture, agitated it again and then blotted it dry with a cotton pad.

Neither customer had heard of Encapsulation (and did not really care about what got the carpet clean to be honest). I did not need to sell anything really, the results sold itself. One cusotmer asked me if I had changed the color of the carpet it looked so good. Both asked me if I would be interested in doing other jobs they wanted done.

Releasit is really a great product for Commercial carpets IMHO.


Douglas Keil

Re: Customer Satisfaction - Releasit

May 4 2004, 12:58 PM 

Great job encapulation just works.

Derek Beyer

Re: Customer Satisfaction - Releasit

May 5 2004, 1:12 AM 

congrats Bri.

maybe i missed it, but were these 2 jobs resi or commercial?

thanx --- Derek.


re: Cusotmer Service

May 5 2004, 8:44 AM 

Hey Derek, these were both commercial jobs.


Current Topic - Customer Satisfaction - Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS