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May 5 2004 at 6:15 PM
Bo Newman 

I recently did a carpet with Releasit and the Cimex that just wouldn't come clean. I decided to quit and see what it looked like in a couple of days. When I went back it looked better but not good enough, so I did it again. This time it was easy - I whizzed through it and it was clean.
Now, I have a couple of theories about this, but I would like to hear what some of you experts think happened.


Re: Why?

May 5 2004, 9:10 PM 

What I think happened is the the florouchemical had time to force the dirt off the fiber and the fiber was then coated making the reclean easier. The existing dirt was also encapsulized so resolubizing the crystals left a double dose of detergent to remove the dirt.




Rick Gelinas

Re: Why?

May 5 2004, 9:39 PM 

To add to what Tony said...

It's possible that on the initial cleaning the carpet was just stubbornly soiled, plain and simple. Perhaps it simply needed a couple of cleanings to reach an optimum appearance level.

Your comment also mirrors what we've observed many times with Releasit. We frequently see our accounts getting easier to clean with each successive cleaning.

Thanks for sharing your observations Bo & Tony, I appreciate seeing that.

Rick Gelinas

Bo Newman


May 5 2004, 11:25 PM 

Well, we got a start, but here's the catch. It wasn't real dirty to start with. It just wouldn't clean up, even with five or six passes.
I've had carpet a lot dirtier than this and cleaned them with no problem. The above solutions may be correct but it seems like it may involve more. No?

This message has been edited by B-Newman on May 5, 2004 11:29 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: *Why

May 5 2004, 11:36 PM 

When we spoke on the phone earlier you mentioned that it was a light blue olefin blend with yellowing from asphalt sealer tracking. That can be challenging to clean.

There are a lot of unknown variables such as... carpet construction, carpet installation, building traffic, types of soil, degree of soiling, pH of soil, vacuuming schedule, previous cleanings, walk off mat usage, etc. So it's hard to analyze exactly what's going on from afar. But I am glad to at least hear that it did come clean with a second quick cleaning. I guess this one just required some extra effort.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on May 5, 2004 11:42 PM

Bo Newman


May 6 2004, 12:01 AM 

Nope - different carpet. This was light colored nylon. But thanks for the quick response. You gave me some things to think about. I think it has something to do with previous cleanings by unknown cleaners using unknown products.
What do you think?

Derek Beyer

Re: Why

May 6 2004, 1:14 AM 

your having Encap'ed it twice was (i am guessing) still faster than HWE'ing it once....or close to it.?.

glad to have read this "heads-up" type of thread! it reminds me to not give up on a job if it comes out poorly...just give it another cleaning and it will come cleaner.

thanx (cant wait to use his Cimex / Releasit this Saturday for the 1st time) --- Derek.

Current Topic - Why?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS