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*Cough* - *Sneeze* update...

May 7 2004 at 6:18 PM
Ken Cox  

Well, as you may know I have had a terrible time with releasit making me cough and sneeze. So much so, that I was almost ready to give up on it, despite having great results. I was using a rotary with fiberplus pads, and a spray tank and wand. Problem was that when I sprayed it down, it became airborne, hence, the massive cough & sneeze attacks.

Some suggested a more course tip...tried it, no good...some suggested a fine tip...tried it, no good...finally decided to take Rick's and others advice and buy a tank & shower feed setup. BINGO !!!!

We cleaned a 3000 ft² youth section of a church today, and NOT A SINGLE SNEEZE OR COUGH !!! Not only that, when spraying the releasit down, I was getting about 150 ft²/gal. (yes, I know, too much chemical) but today, using the tank & shower feed setup, we only used 7 RTU gallons of Releasit !! WooHoo !!! Can you say...PROFITABLE !!!

Anyway, thanks to Rick and everyone that tried helping with my cough, sneeze problem and thanks for the solution.

I would say to anyone that is using a sprayer, to dump it immediately and get a shower feed setup ASAP...there is no comparison !!

1 step closer to my Cimex purchase.



Shower feed

May 7 2004, 7:24 PM 

Hi Ken, that's good news. Where did you get the shower feed attachment? Does it mount on your machine? Can you give more mechanical details because I would like to find a mount for my rotary if one is available.


Ken Cox

Re: Shower feed

May 7 2004, 11:07 PM


The above is the exact setup and same person I got it from. It's a universal setup and should fit any rotary with a round handle.

If you'd like to be 100% sure if it will fit your machine, call the guy, his number is on the auction (thats what I did) and tell him what brand machine you have and he'll tell you whether it'll fit. Should be fine though.

Take care,


Re: *Cough* - *Sneeze* update...

May 7 2004, 7:25 PM 

please give details

Derek Beyer

Re: *Cough* - *Sneeze* update...

May 7 2004, 8:42 PM 

i thought i recall seeing an assembly for a shower feed on the powr-flite site....i may be wrong but check it out.

pump-up sprayer is for the birds, if you can afford a showerfeed system then try it!

thanx --- Derek.

Ed Carver

Re: *Cough* - *Sneeze* update...

May 7 2004, 8:57 PM 

I got my tank from Jon-Don.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: *Cough* - *Sneeze* update...

May 10 2004, 12:20 AM 

I normally use my shower feed on my Chemstractor but there are a few jobs that must be sprayed, because of the close proximity of valuable furniture that I don't want the spatters getting on from shower feeding.

Using my electric sprayer, and a size 06 jet- which is pretty big, the amount of Releasit going into the air is pretty small, and the cough/sneeze factor is minimized. But it did happen a few days back, even so.

And another factor I saw was the total amount of Ready-to-Use was a lot more than when using the shower feed. Hmmm.


Current Topic - *Cough* - *Sneeze* update...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS