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How I Afforded A Cimex

May 7 2004 at 9:08 PM
Derek Beyer  

i dont have $2300 in the bank or laying around...i'm not financially secure like some CC'ers are

i was so positive the Mex would be a great investment, i did a search on Google for credit cards, found about 3 that had 0% APR for 6-9 months. i applied over the net for 2. the 9 month deal i was approved for right then and there over the net, it even gave me my new account number so i could use it immediately! i ordered my Mex and put it on the 9 month zero interest card. i figure if i can generate $255 worth of CC'ing using my Mex, that i will pay for it in 9 months. that sould be a breeze.

just wanted to post how i made it work for me to buy it...just an idea

thanx and have a great weekend fellas --- Derek.

Tom Rowe

Re: How I Afforded A Cimex

May 7 2004, 10:23 PM 

I bet you pay it off before the 9 months are up.

Couple of good jobs and your home free.

Ken Cox

Re: How I Afforded A Cimex

May 7 2004, 11:12 PM 

Very innovative Derek.
Just be sure to pay it off ASAP...that's how they get ya

I'll be very interested in your opinions on it after a few uses...
A perspective from a totally new user is what I'm after.

I'm certain the cimex is awesome, but it is hard to justify the expense when I am using a rotary and Rick's fiberplus pads...all with fantastic results.

Thanks in advance for any updates


Mike Hogan

Re: How I Afforded A Cimex

May 8 2004, 9:04 AM 

Good move Derek..........Take your machine along with
business cards to commercial accounts,offer a free demo,
and the work will come..good luck.

Derek Beyer

Re: How I Afforded A Cimex

May 8 2004, 10:32 AM 

thanx guys

yes i figger it should be easy to make the monthly payments, and then some. i'm with you Mike, demo'ing with the Mex is going to be alot easier than hauling out all my hoses and wand lol.

Ken, hard for me to say if my Mex will outclean your rotary....i guess pictures might help a lil bit, but my digital camera is old. anyone in your area you can demo one from?

thanx --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock

Cimex speed vs a roto

May 10 2004, 12:14 AM 

A couple weeks back, a friend with a Cimex helped me on a big open commercial job, some 3000 sq ft. We both worked at our normal pace. I have run a roto for more than 40 years, and I say nobody with a roto can beat me on speed.

But he did about 2/3 of the job necause it simply was faster.

But he only got 1/2 of the pay!!



Re: Cimex speed vs a roto

May 10 2004, 3:42 PM 

I don't think the Cimex is faster than a rotary, except in open areas.
I do know that the Cimex will outclean any rotary and the best operator any time.

Current Topic - How I Afforded A Cimex
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