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Who Here Does Commercial CC'ing Only?

May 8 2004 at 10:05 PM
Derek Beyer  

Who Here Does Commercial CC'ing Only with very little to no residential?

after using my Cimex today for 1st time, it was unbelievably easy. didn't even break a sweat. toughest thing i did was a thorough pre-vac...and the pre-vac took longer than the actual CC'ing. i would love to never have to wand anything again if i could. my right arm with tendinitis would love it to.

for those who do Commercial CC'ing only (if there are any of ya out there), what hours / days do you typically work? weekends? weeknights? weekdays?

thanx for any help --- Derek.

BTW, forgot to mention the results. i did a part of our largest Office Cleaning account. i have HWE cleaned these carpets for the past 7 years....three quarters of the area i did is cleaned once annually and gets trashed. a few areas have never looked presentable even after i HWE'ed it IMO. after using my Mex / Releasit combo, the results were phenomenal....definitely beyond my expectations. even my wife was shocked. i thought Encap'ing was for "maintenance" CC'ing....not what i found. some of the areas i cleaned were in the Restoration side of CC'ing, and the Mex kicked tail. i am going back tomorrow to check for wickbacks and to see how everything looks then.
now that i am sold on the method, i cant wait 'til Monday to get on the horn and start booking appointments for some demo's already have one setup for next Friday.

thanx Rick and everyone!

Tom Rowe

Re: Who Here Does Commercial CC'ing Only?

May 9 2004, 10:17 AM 

I make most of my money doing commercial work. Most is evening, and weekend work.

Some commercial jobs can be done in the daytime, during the week, but not most.

I fill in the weekdays with residential work just to keep me out of trouble. I try to block out Tuesdays, and Thursdays for Golf.

There's a lot more money to be made in commercial work than there is in Residential.

Went last week and did an event complex (10,000 sq ft) took us about 3 hours with 2 guys. Charged them 10¢ a foot. Easy $1,000.00

That was in 3 hours,....Residentially it would be difficult for me to make $1,000 in one entire day.

Last Wednesday we did a 18,000 sq ft office building. Once again 2 guys, took 4 hours.

Charged them 9¢ a foot for $1620.00

For 8 hours total labor that's a bit over $200 per hour.

There again, I don't think I could get $1,620.00 in a day doing Residential work,...much less get it in 4 hours.

I like these big paychecks!

Derek Beyer

Re: Who Here Does Commercial CC'ing Only?

May 9 2004, 6:53 PM 

WOOOHOOOO WTG Tom, thanx for the reply

anyone else?

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Who Here Does Commercial CC'ing Only?

May 10 2004, 3:52 PM 

Nice going Tom CHA-CHING

100% commercial for me.

When I started my cleaning business back in 82 I was doing commercial only. So for many years my trucks were only going out at night. Then somewhere around 97 when Joe P was making his big debut as the marketing "guru" I started to think I should get the trucks running by day too. So I bought his package and started targeting quality residential accounts. Before long I had a nice group of upper end residential customers.

But after a couple of years of doing residential I got sick of it. We were charging 4 times as much per sq ft for residential and were still making less per hour. After I inspected Mrs. Jones carpet, pre-vacuumed, pre-sprayed, cleaned the carpet, tabbed the furniture, groomed the carpet, collected the check, petted the dog, asked for referrals, etc --- I was making about half as much per hour as I was making on commercial.

So I dumped it all. We're satisfied to keep things simple and stay with commercial only.

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Who Here Does Commercial CC'ing Only?

May 11 2004, 12:53 AM 

ahhhhh, tx Rick. as with the Cimex, this sounds like an idea better left unspoken

thanx Bro --- Derek.

Current Topic - Who Here Does Commercial CC'ing Only?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS