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I Hit The Target!!!!!

May 9 2004 at 7:52 PM
Mark Stanley  

Friday, I got my first "real world" taste of what cleaning at 2000 sqare feet per hour is like. I cleaned a 1500 sq ft empty office building in 45 minutes.

It was awesome cleaning at this rate. The experience really taught me a few things about how to get in and out of a room fast and how to trigger the ReleasIt correctly.

As chef Emeril would say, "Bam!" I kicked it up a notch!

Now I want to apply/convert this knowledge to my residential jobs.

Derek Beyer

Re: I Hit The Target!!!!!

May 9 2004, 9:43 PM 

nice Mark

how often do you use Encap on resi jobs? does it depend on the fiber? if not, then what resi jobs do you NOT use Encap on?

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, yesterday being my 1st paying Encap job, actual machine time for cleaning 2500 sq.ft was about 2 and 1/2 hours. being my 1st big job using it, and the fact that it was all cubicles / offices, i know i can do more in an open area setting.

RTU cleaning agent worked out to 325 sq. ft. per gallon of RTU Releasit...and as i mentioner earlier, three quarters of those carpets were in the Restorative end of CC'ing.

proud as punch --- Derek.

Derek Beyer

"I Am Cimex-Man!!!!!!!"

May 9 2004, 9:47 PM 

lol Mark....your back must be pretty tough man. i would love to get a picture of you picking your Cimex up and putting it in your van lol...or do you keep it in your car trunk?

lol, guess i better eat my Wheaties

Gary R. Heacock


May 10 2004, 12:02 AM 

Try this instead of picking it up putting it into the van, put the back against the van, tilt it, pick up the head, sliding it on it's back into the van. Much easier. Same with removing it- on it's back, slide it out, tilt it down onto it's wheels.

While it is in the van, leave it on it's back, it won't roll or slide around as much as when on it's wheels.


Derek Beyer

Re: "Cimex-Man"

May 10 2004, 12:13 AM 

hummmm Gary, you sound an awful lot like a Cimex user, i thought you were a Rotary or Chemstractor user lol.

thanx --- Derek.

BTW Gary, GREAT idea. my wife is worried the Mex will break right through my ramp. i tell her if it handled my Bane for 5 years, it can handle nearly anything. gonna try your tip...THANX!

Current Topic - I Hit The Target!!!!!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS