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Don Eldred

May 11 2004 at 6:04 PM
Haverman David  

Do any of you gentlemen ever get to see the Truvox news letter?

Issue 9 has an article about Don Eldred and his succesfull cleaning of carpets ,with a cimex CR 48 ,in it.

I dare say, that this will wake a few people up on this side of the water!

Rick have you seen it? If not let me know and i will mail you a copy.

david haverman

Douglas W. Johnson

Don Eldred

May 11 2004, 6:17 PM 

I have not heard of this news letter but am interested in receiving a copy about Don's work. Contact me by email if possible.Thank You and have a great day!email abettercleaner@

This message has been edited by dwjohnson on May 11, 2004 6:18 PM

Brian Asher

Re: Don Eldred

May 11 2004, 10:31 PM 

Can I have one of those too?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Don Eldred

May 11 2004, 10:33 PM 


I haven't seen it either.

Could you forward a copy to me.

In the meantime I'll ask the folks at Truvox and Cimex-USA about it too.

Thanx a bundle!!!

Rick Gelinas

Haverman David

Re: Don Eldred

May 12 2004, 5:48 PM 

Hi Douglas and Brian

I only had one copy,which i have now mailed to Rick.
Perhaps you can try one of the following;


Dennis Jurecki +1-888-884-3776

In case this proves unsuccesfull,let me know and I'll get
some more from my local distributor and forward them to

Happy to help,I have gained a lot of fresh ideas from this forum.Lurking in the backgroung I believe it has been called.

Peter Holt

Clean It 9 - the Truvox Newsletter

May 18 2004, 5:19 AM 

We have just published this to support the Interclean Show that was held in Amsterdam last week. Lot's of interest in Euope in Encapsulation.

Copies of Clean It are freely available. Hopefully Cimex-USA have some but if not we can send from here.

Also it will be on our web site as a PDF in a day or so, download from

Right now you will see the previous issue (Clean It 8) that also has a lot of Cimex into in it.

Thanks for everyone’s interest

Best wishes

Peter Holt Truvox International (UK)

Current Topic - Don Eldred
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