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Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 12 2004 at 3:25 AM
Derek Beyer  

what scenarios would you use a Cimex with the FiberPlus pads on Resi jobs? berber only? apartments with cut pile ok? nylon?

thanx for any input --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 12 2004, 7:39 AM 

The FiberPlus pads should be safe for all residential carpeting with synthetic fiber.

The only time that the soft shampoo brushes are required is on very delicately constructed pieces such as wool oriental rugs.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 12 2004, 9:07 AM 

You will need the brush the swirl marks out of any cut pile carpets, and that is not easy to do after the Cimex and fibreplus pads.
Commercially it is not such a big deal, but in residential situations most people would not accept swirl marks left after drying.

Derek Beyer

Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 12 2004, 12:46 PM 

so Eldred, are you saying that raking a plush after it has been Cimex'ed with the FP pads and still damp wont take the swirl marks out? if not, will running my Host over it do the trick?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 12 2004, 2:54 PM 

The host machine would be easier and better at removing the marks, however, it is another piece of equipment to be carried into the house.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 12 2004, 3:51 PM 

If you'll rake a cut pile residential carpet while it's still damp - the swirl marks can be removed without too much trouble. (You do groom every residential cut pile don't you? )

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 12 2004, 8:14 PM 

My opinion- so far, I have used Releasit and Fiber Plus pads on pretty much all common residential carpets. Olefin, nylon, and wool Berber, nylon plush, saxonys, acrylic and today- polyester plush carpet. It does not seem to matter what the carpet fiber and construction is. It all works the same.

I have also done several US made wool rugs and a couple of oriental rugs that were in good shape- the only drawback with these is lint going into the Fiber Plus pads. I now have one pad reserved for red rugs- because it is fulla red lint, and the opposite side reserved for blue rugs because that side is fulla blue lint.

I am not advocating doing this with all oriental rugs, but certain ones- it works, so why not.


Derek Beyer

Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 13 2004, 1:16 AM 

Rick, no i dont rake / groom any carpet unless i apply protectant...i like the wand marks hehe

Gary, you are using your Chemstrator on the Resi carpets? i am guessing the Cimex would be a bit more aggressive? would you use a Cimex on all those afore-mentioned carpets?

thanx --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Using Cimex With FP pads On Residential CC'ing

May 13 2004, 8:52 PM 

Derek- Yeah, I use my Chemstractor because it is what I have. Works fine. I expect the Cimex would really be better in a lot of cases, and a pain you know where in other cases. For instance- yesterday- or the day before- no carpet on the main level- all carpet upstairs. 7 steps up to the porch and front door. THEN a 90 degree turn for the first 3 steps. Up 9 more very narrow steps, a landing a 90 degree turn and 3 more steps. 2 crowded bedrooms, a hall a bath and an office with carpet, all jammed fulla furniture. Move 1 thing, clean under it, put it back, move another thing, clean under it, put it back, etc, etc. While a Cimex could possibly used, and would if that was the only tool available, it is not the best way to go. I used my tm in this case. Dealing with the hoses was lots easier for this job. Another customer with 22 steps up to the front door, and a 3 level house up the side of a hill would be another killer for a Cimex.

Hey- I am old, and I ain't gonna kill myself at this stage. I want to go out when I am maybe 93 years old, shot in a rage by a jealous husband. (With any luck at all!!)


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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS