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New "Cimex" Endeavors

May 13 2004 at 2:10 AM
Derek Beyer  

well so far i have 2 demo's (one tomorrow morning - 7 hours from now) lined up and have had my Cimex 6 days. already did one paying job, a little over $500.

did a small area rug in front of our door - berber. came out cleaner than ever...wife is thrilled.

i got a call today to do a cottage on a local lake, glad to hear it is berber. i told the husband i will use my new machine using the VLM method to clean his berber, his response, "your the professional, do what you think is best", lol. i cant wait, will be a fast job and the results will be outstanding! no worries about wick-backs on berber anymore

i made up some fliers to mail or hand to prospects, here is the free demo offer i have mentioned on the bottom of it :

"Call now for a FREE demonstration and inspection! We will gladly stop by at your convenience and clean a minimum of 100 square feet at NO CHARGE! We simply want the chance for you to be thrilled at seeing how clean we can get your carpet at no risk to you.

Call --- (585) 657.6752

i also printed out some envelopes and put the above in color on the bottom of the envelope. feel free to share what you use on your marketing info, or use mine.

thanx for all the great ideas and encouragement thus far fellas --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on May 13, 2004 2:11 AM

Bob Wittkamp

Re: New "Cimex" Endeavors

May 13 2004, 8:10 AM 

Did you mean a MAXIMUM of 100 sq.ft.?

Derek Beyer

Re: New "Cimex" Endeavors

May 13 2004, 11:19 AM 

hiyas Bob

no i meant Minimum of 100 sq.ft.
this is for commercial work, i want them to know i am not as concerned with the size of the demo, as with getting them as a client....thats how i'm lookin at it anyways lol.

thanx --- Derek.

Bob Wittkamp

Re: New "Cimex" Endeavors

May 13 2004, 1:45 PM 

OK Derek! Makes sense the way you say it!


Re: New "Cimex" Endeavors

May 13 2004, 3:09 PM 

I had a supply company ask me to do a demo for them with my truck mount (long story behind that) for some free chemicals. They had done my some favors, so I say ok. I go to a small local school district and do part of a long hall. Building Principal doesn't want a half clean hall, so I clean all the hall, put out fans, etc. He ask me to do another room as part of the demo. I ask him if we need to discuss $$$ for services if he wanted more then a demo. They never bought a truck mount, just looking for the free work.

Gary R. Heacock

There ARE people like that!!

May 13 2004, 8:38 PM 

Steve's story reminds me about a local theater chain. The manager of one asked me for a free demo, in front of the candy stand. maybe 150 to 200 sq ft. Fulla YUCK!! I said- no free demos. It would cost him $50.00 (Years back!!) he said forget it, he kept getting free demos from different cleaners, and never paid for cleaning the carpets.

Another part to this story. about a month later, I got a call from him- he asked if I dyed carpets. Yes I do, I will come and give an estimate.

The carpet was a VERY thick wool. He had rented a shampoo machine from a store- the kind with dual counter rotating heads. Filled the machine with soap and bleach, and had an employee run the machine. Whaddya know. Carpet badly bleached and like tracks where the employee inadequately ran the machine. Still stunk of bleach. Well, it was clean, all right, no problem there, but fix the bleached areas? No way. Replacement time!! Har-De Har!!! I am outta there!!


Derek Beyer

Re: There ARE people like that!!

May 14 2004, 12:41 AM 

thanx for the remider fellas, i wont give TOO much work away.

thanx --- Derek.

Brian Asher

Re: There ARE people like that!!

May 15 2004, 6:20 PM 

Looks like you are chiping away at that credit card bil of yours

Current Topic - New "Cimex" Endeavors
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