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When Carpet Meets Hardwood

May 17 2004 at 1:18 PM
Derek Beyer  

what do you do when you are CC'ing and the carpet butts up to a hardwood floor that has a nice finish on it? i would think the FP Pads or Cimex brushes could damage that floor finish. i do have the stand-up brush, but alot of times there is a traffic lane there and the Cimex would be alot more aggressive than a manual scrub brush.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: When Carpet Meets Hardwood

May 17 2004, 6:26 PM 

It's not likely that the FiberPlus pads would ever damage any type of floor surface.

They're very gentle, yet agressive enough to do some serious cleaning (the secret is their elastomeric property).

"Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman"

Rick Gelinas

Ken Cox


May 17 2004, 6:33 PM 

LOL...Derek I think Rick just called you a woman ...LMAO ....

...wait a minute, I use the FP pads, too....LOL, guess he called
me a woman too LMAO !!!

but laughing all the way to the bank, Baby !!

I love ya Ricky G.

Derek Beyer


May 18 2004, 1:10 AM 

lol Ken.

thanx for the advice Rick i havent come across that scenario yet, just thinking ahead.

thanx --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock


May 18 2004, 3:55 PM 

Last week I did a residence with Releasit and Fiber Plus pads, the carpet was a polyester, which is tough to steam clean and have it look good, this combination worked just fine, and a lot quicker them truck mount cleaning of this carpet- she is a regular and I have done this one 10 or 12 times- 3 times a year- anyway, she has hardwood in the kitchen, and going over the edges of the carpet where it meets the wood, I ran the Fiber Plus pads over the edge of the carpet to get the last row of carpet- which was pretty dirty- then just wiped up the overspray on the wood. No problems. It did not harm the finish, or scratch the wood.

Oh yeah, then I went over a 4 x 6 nylon rug she had in the kitchen in front of the stove and sink, then just wiped off the overspray. No problems there either.

I have done the same on other residences where there was tile and linoleum, no problems there either.


Gary R. Heacock

And there's parquet

May 20 2004, 3:04 AM 

Tonight was maintenance in the high end store I do monthly. Thinking about the above post, part of what I did tonight was around a room with wood parquet flooring (which they also sell) so that means I slopped over onto the parquet on 3 sides where I did the carpet with the Fiber Plus pads. Just wiped off the overspray, same as other wood, tile, etc. I don't see much parquet here, but my point is- ya doesn't hasta be afraid of it, either.

(Oh yeah- 1000 sq ft per hour, too. I love them Fiber Plus pads. I never did that with the shampoo brush or bonnets.)


Current Topic - When Carpet Meets Hardwood
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS