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1st Resi Job Today

May 19 2004 at 2:31 PM
Derek Beyer  

was a light colored berber in a master bedrm / walk-in closet. biggest obstacle was pulling the Cimex up the stairs. it was in a cottage and the steps in the older cottages around here are often times REALLY steep. glad the homeowner offered to help me up and down the steps.

he asked about the process (even though i had given him written info on it), and his biggest question was "are you coming back to vac it up?" i told him twice it will be vac'ed up the next time he or his wife vacuum. he seemed fine with that and ultimately was happy with the job which is all i care about hehe. they really keep a clean house, didnt appear dirty at all. he told me he'd have me back to do the rest of the house in future.

from getting outta the van to driving away was 1 hour 20 minutes (we gabbed a little )...woulda taken me an additional hour using my porty. actual machine time was 15 minutes and carpet was far drier than if i'd HWE'ed it. so i hope to be using the Cimex on all future berber jobs!

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, under 1 leg of the only dresser they left in the bedrm was a nice orangish / red furniture stain. he noticed it and i didnt say anything about it. i didnt wanna promise anything. i hit it with the Cimex and it lightened up some. so i hit it with 50/50 spotter of Releasit and a white terry towel, and wouldn't ya know, it came completely out!

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on May 19, 2004 2:32 PM

Gary R. Heacock

Hey Derek-

May 20 2004, 3:32 AM 

For jobs like this- get yourself a small roto. Maybe a 14 inch Hild or something like that. Weighs about 40 to 50 pounds, and you can easily carry up stairs yourself. Ya can't always depend on customers.

A used one will work, too.

The bonnet driver will spin the Fiber Plus pads just fine.


Derek Beyer


May 20 2004, 11:48 PM 

i dunno what a Hild machine is, but is it simlar to that Orbital or that thing-a-mu-bob (whatever it's called) by Oreck? if so, do i need to worry about "tip-blooming"?

i'd like to buy a smallish / lightweight rotary that might be useful on steps also, maybe this Hild would do that??

thanx Gary --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Gary?

May 22 2004, 5:58 PM 

Hild is one excellent brand of rotary shampooers. They last forever.

There are many makes of rotos, the reason I suggested the Hild is they make smaller and lighter ones than most other companies in the same field.

For instance, my Chemstractor is a 17 inch model and weighs 95 pounds. The Hild I have is a 13 or 14 inch, and weighs about 45 or 50 pounds. A lot easier to carry up and down stairs, etc. My son's General roto is also a 17 inch machine, but weighs 105 pounds.

Of course it is not suitable for big jobs, or large open areas, but small jobs, tight areas, carrying up lots of stairs, etc, hard to beat it. Another specialty type machine. I mainly use mine in the shop for loose rugs.

And yes, I run the 17 inch Fiber Plus pads under it's bonnet drive block. That aspect works just fine.


Current Topic - 1st Resi Job Today
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS