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Truvox Newlsetter - Clean 9 now posted on web site

May 20 2004 at 5:46 AM
Peter Holt  

Dear Cimex Fans!

Thank you Rick and your loyal band for all your support.

Please look at for a free down-load of our latest info, including the piece about Don Eldred.

There is also a two-page spread in the latest edition of Sanitation Canada - thanks Don!

I look forward to any comments

Best wishes

Peter Holt Truvox International (UK)


Rick Gelinas

Don Eldred's Comments CLICK HERE

May 20 2004, 1:23 PM 

Hi Peter,

I looked through the Truvox website and didn't see where the CLEAN IT article with Don's comments was located. However, David Haverman was kind enough to mail me a copy of CLEAN IT all the way from the UK (Thanks David).

So I went ahead and scanned a copy of the article onto our website. And here it is for all to see...

Don Eldred's Comments CLICK HERE

Keep up the good work Don!

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Don Eldred's Comments CLICK HERE

May 20 2004, 11:37 PM 

nice article.

Peter, how can Cimex consumers like many posters here and myself get this Newsletter on a regular basis? i hope buying your machine is enough to get it

thanx --- Derek.

Peter Holt

It IS on the site

May 21 2004, 4:39 AM 

Thanks Rick

It is just a small line on the bottom left of the first page of the site. It says “Clean It Magazine” - just click and there you are.

Next time we it makes it bigger!

We only publish a couple of times a year - the next one will be for the ISSA Show in New Orleans in November 2004.

If any of your web site visitors would like to send me their address I am very happy to add them to our mailing list. We can also send you a supply for you to send out. The web though should always have the info on it.

Thanks again for the comments

Best wishes



Rick Gelinas

Re: It IS on the site

May 21 2004, 6:55 AM 

Thanks Peter,

Here's the web link....

CLEAN ITissue 9

Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: It IS on the site

May 22 2004, 12:38 AM 

tx Rick.

is that "Multiwash" machine the Cimex version of the GLS?? looks like a cylindrical / counter-rotating brush. if so, i think it is a great idea...i like my CR48 and if that Multiwash was like the GLS in design, i would put my $$ into the Cimex line to buy it over the GLS.

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: It IS on the site

May 22 2004, 1:41 AM 

It's the same concept as the GLS. But just like the GLS, - the Truvox "Multiwash" is in the same price range as the far more stout Cimex CR48. So the CR48 represents a better value IMO.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Truvox Newlsetter - Clean 9 now posted on web site
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