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3 Demos = 3 Jobs

May 22 2004 at 1:24 AM
Derek Beyer  

so far i've had only 3 Encap demos and all have turned into paying clients...i'm pretty surprised!

1 of the three appear to be on a contract basis (3 or more times per year). of course the restaurant demo will be the conract. they were the ones i mentioned yesterday or day before that have a grease problem. i took some digi pic's but they dont do it justice...anyone wants a looksee can email me. as i mentioned b4, the owner complained of grease problems. he has it cleaned regularly every month. he finally gave up on HWE and last time tried "chem-dry" but to no avail. he had no idea what encapsulation was, but wanted to try anything that could get his
"high-end restaurant" the appearance it deserves.

tomorrow will be the true test (for him to see if any spots wick-back overnite).

i'll keep ya's posted!

one-third payed off Cimex in two weeks --- Derek.

Brandon Culp

Re: 3 Demos = 3 Jobs

May 22 2004, 8:27 AM 

Hey Derek,

Glad to hear it's going so well for you! How have you been marketing your services? Are you calling and sending info, or just cold call stopping in?

Derek Beyer

Re: 3 Demos = 3 Jobs

May 23 2004, 12:57 PM 

hiyas Brandon

thanx, it has been fun and exciting getting this Encap going.

i use 4 pages of info folded into an envelope with my biz card thrown in there to.

on the bottom of the envelope i have typed up:

"Call now for a FREE demonstration and inspection! We will gladly stop by at your convenience and clean a minimum of 100 square feet at NO CHARGE! We simply want the chance for you to be thrilled at seeing how clean we can get your carpet at no risk to you.
Call --- (585) 555.5555"

i then have a before and after pic in color above that, pointing out what a demo can do for them. i want to change the pic though, but i gotta ask around first.

on the 4 pages i have :

page 1 - the Cimex / Releasit Marketing page from above
page 2 - 9 bullet points telling the prospect about myself, my business background and my services, "now specializing in commercial carpet care". (each bullet is short and to the point. below that i restate the, "Call now for a FREE demonstration and inspection!...")
page 3 & page 4 - i have Rick's marketing ideas typed up and double spaced. i modified it to my biz and added a blown up pic of the before and after. below that i restate the, "Call now for a FREE demonstration and inspection!..."

anything i can help ya with, ask away Brandon, or feel free to email me

thanx --- Derek.

woops, almost forgot. i have done about 50% cold-calling to contacts i made in '97 and '98. back then i had canvassed those prospects and had gone through the hard work of finding the decision makers name. i called those ppl back and sent info to them (some by mail a couple by fax). then i call them back a day or 2 after i figure they received it and ask them if i can schedule a free demo.

the other 50% was canvassing to new prospects. i simply walk in and hand the envelope to the receptionist and offer the demo. i have slacked in this area, i havent been asking for the decision maker like i used to....i honestly got nervous and forgot.

i keep a written record of everyone i speak with and every prospect i visit so i can call them back.

out of a dozen cold calls to previous contacts i have so far gotten 1 job from a demo.
and out of canvassing 15-20 new prospects i have so far gotten 1 job from a demo.
i still have ALOT of call-backs to make so i plan on getting more jobs from those contacts / prospects.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on May 23, 2004 1:10 PM


Re: 3 Demos = 3 Jobs

May 23 2004, 8:07 PM 


Can I hired you for a few weeks to get me some commercial work? Sounds like you have the system down. The hard part is keeping with it.

Boy, if I could hire a saleperson I would be wiling to pay 50% of the first job on scheduled repeating jobs. I figure if I had 23 jobs ($1000 or more) that repeated at least every 6 months, the rest would be cake. I could boost my residential work to higher costs and work when I wanted.


Derek Beyer

Re: 3 Demos = 3 Jobs

May 24 2004, 12:44 AM 

hmmm well 2 round trip tick's including room and board for the missus and by gosh i'm all yours Tony

Current Topic - 3 Demos = 3 Jobs
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS