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Just finished my Library Job!

May 22 2004 at 10:19 PM

Well I just got done with my 13,000 sq ft job. I have cleaned this particular job 2 full cleanings and once high traffic areas. This time it was almost perfect before I began. With the exception of the first 60 feet off the entrance and a few other traffic areas and maybe 3 spills, it was hard telling where I was and where I was going to clean next. Because of this I could speed along at 3237 sq ft per hour. I had my best helpers there-me,myself and I. The three of us moved chairs,rolling bookshelves and small tables and still made that cleaning time. The last hour my next dependable helpers showed up, one hot woman and her two daughters ages 8 and 1.3 . Good thing I married this helper years ago! This kept me motivated and I even let her clean a few hundred sq ft feet while I got off my feet for a minute. She liked bossing me to move this, pull the cord and move that....too much. So I took back over running the

From getting in the door to getting out the door it took me a hair over 4 hours. I made $268 per hour and used about 1.75 gallons of concentrate, but I am wooped.

If I could just get 20 more jobs like ths one I could cut way back on my residential!



Rick Gelinas

Re: Just finished my Library Job!

May 23 2004, 10:22 AM 

Hey Tony,


13,000 sq ft

4 hours of cleaning

3,237 sq ft per hour

$268 per hour

$1,072 for the job

$52 worth of detergent


Rick Gelinas

Derek Beyer

Re: Just finished my Library Job!

May 23 2004, 12:43 PM 

good going Tony

i clean my town library in 1 week, much smaller though.

sounds like you have my kind of helpers to lol...keep up the good work Bro.

thanx --- Derek.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Just finished my Library Job!

May 23 2004, 2:46 PM 

Those are quite some numbers. Congrats.
I would like to see myself getting an account like that each week and anything else would be a bonus.
Keep up the good work.

Continued success!

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Current Topic - Just finished my Library Job!
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