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need to use my RX20

May 25 2004 at 4:40 PM

Hi All,

I have been using the cimex for about two months and love it. But I have been cleaning 4 restuarants with it also, and it has been doing a good job. One of the restuarants get a lot of traffic and the last two times it has something sticky on the carpet (syrup I think). I have tried different ways to get it out, but it never comes out completely. We clean it every three weeks, next time I am going to use my butler tm and rx20. The other restuarants look great but this one is very busy 2500 people a day. I will let you know how it comes out. Thanks.

steve f

Re: need to use my RX20

May 25 2004, 5:00 PM 

Have you tried the new star head for the RX 20? I used one the other day. It uses less water and has better recovery.

This message has been edited by sfrasier on May 25, 2004 5:01 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: need to use my RX20

May 25 2004, 5:10 PM 

Good call Darwin. The CIMEX is a phenomenal tool for commercial carpet care. Yet all methods have their place. And a trashed restaurant carpet would certainly qualify as a spot where some periodic flushing would be advantageous.

I can also see that you like to work good stuff... Cimex-RX20-Butler. And I'm sure you'll keep this carpet in peek shape with the tools you're using. Keep us posted.

Rick Gelinas


Stephen Dobson

Re: need to use my RX20

May 25 2004, 5:11 PM 

you might want to try to spot clean that particularly sticky area and then go encap. I think after encapsulation, HWE is a step backwards on commercial carpeting. last month i tried to HWE just to see what it did. I was disappointed after going encap since NOvember. You now go back to prespraying, leaving some residue which can aid to resoiling, leaving carpets wetter and on commercial carpeting, now once again the fear and possibilities of wicking comes back into play unless you are drying down quick and bonneting, etc. I am sure you know what you are doing and take the precautionary measures.
Why not treat the sticky area, maybe prespray it,(maybe agitate it real well with the Cimex and FP pads) bonnet clean and extract it that way and get the detergent and whatever chem you need to get out. Maybe then neutralize the area if that makes you feel more confident get it dry as possible. put an airmover on it and encap it last after you have done the other areas. Just a thought. Let us know how it goes for you. These boards are for swapping helpful, technical info and ideas. So that is what I am doing.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

This message has been edited by sodobson on May 25, 2004 5:12 PM


Stephen Dobson

hey darwin

May 25 2004, 5:19 PM 

Hello again.
First of all, I love your choice of tools.
I too personally have a Butler and Rx20.
A great tool for that RX is the bonnet head attatchment
I use if on about each and every job. it saves having to bring in another piece of equipment. I dont prefer the RX on commercial carpeting much though. Most commercials are berber, they dont like water much, (adsorbent materials) they are usually, correct me someone if I am wrong) on concrete pads and they cause the RX to bounce and not get a good seal. Maybe the concrete men in S. Indiana dont use levels. I am not for sure. LOL
But if you dont have that particular tool, it is well worth looking into. a great investment for I believe 150.00
that is about the cheapest add on tool for the RX possible.
That stuff is expensive.
Also that attatchment is much cheaper than buying a good swing machine. Just a thought. ok, I will shut up now.
Good luck. Keep us informed. You have peaked my curiosity.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: hey darwin

May 26 2004, 8:08 PM 

I know the TM is a step back. I have done many jobs now with the cimex, it's great. Maybe I will just hit the syrup spots with the TM. Now that I use the cimex I almost feel bad taking money for cleaning, NOT.

Current Topic - need to use my RX20
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