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Pad Driver Bristles

May 25 2004 at 8:27 PM
Kevin Daus 

Have any of you lost a lot of the black bristles that hold the fiberplus pads on when you change them out?



Re: Pad Driver Bristles

May 25 2004, 9:54 PM 

I haven't! Be sure to change your pads before the bristles start to touch the carpet.


steve f

Re: Pad Driver Bristles

May 26 2004, 12:42 AM 

I had a lot of them come off, especially when changing bonnets. The pad drivers also where seperating where they were glued together. Rick exchanged them for me. New pad drivers are working great


Rick Gelinas

Re: Pad Driver Bristles

May 26 2004, 8:41 AM 


Steve had a defective set of drivers that were replaced. There were a couple sets of bad drivers out of a recent batch of drivers that Steve's order came from. These drivers had a delamination problem. The problem that Steve had with his drivers became evident right away. This batch of drivers has been the only batch of drivers that we've seen that have had any problems.

Your drivers came from an earlier batch of drivers, so it's not likely that you're experiencing delamination with your drivers. I would suspect that what you may be seeing is wear. As the drivers age, they will continue to lose some of the bristles. Eventually, after probably a million square feet or more, they may need to finally be replaced. This is normal as the drivers wear. During the life cycle of your drivers, you'll see some bristles disappearing.

Tony's advice above is good advice too. Be careful not to allow the pads to run down to the point that the pad drivers are exposed to the carpet.

If you're having a delamination problem or there's something out of the ordinary with your drivers, please contact me and we'll get them taken care of for you. Please let me know if you have any problems at all.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Pad Driver Bristles

May 26 2004, 7:58 PM 

Is Rick a good man or what.LOL

Current Topic - Pad Driver Bristles
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