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Greasy Pizza Store..WOW

May 26 2004 at 11:06 AM
Tom McQuigge 

I encap/cimexed a Pizza store last night...when I got there I thought man this may be too much soil and grease for encap/cimex but I vacuumed, pre-sprayed lightly and fired her up...WOW it was like cuttin butter...came out great...I have 7 of these Pizza Stores so I am glad the cimex worked...

My backed hasn't felt more wand !!!!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Greasy Pizza Store..WOW

May 26 2004, 5:57 PM 


That's awesome. I keep hearing that our Cimex/Releasit system is... "BOLDLY GOING WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE"

With my best Scotty impression...
"I can't scrub her any harder captain, I'm givin her all we got. The grease is goin ta break up"


Well I'm seeing that the Cimex/Releasit envelope keeps getting stretched further and further. (Check out Rick Thode's pics above)

Keep up the good work guys!

Rick Gelinas

Craig Walton

Question for greasy pizza store cleaner .

May 26 2004, 10:09 PM 

I was wondering if you could share your cleaning technique and what concentration of Releasit, and if you used Fiber plus pads or brushes?I have used up almost all of the original double strength Releasit and an going to order the improved double strength Releasit.I tried cleaning a greasy pizza store myself with Releasit and fiber plus pads, and found the pads clogged up with grease.(This store hadn;t been cleaned in 5-6 months , and the traffic area was BLACK!)Thanks for any help, I'm hopeful I can use this method for the pizza stoes, as my back hurts using the portable steam cleaner.

Rick Thode

Re: Question for greasy pizza store cleaner .

May 26 2004, 10:46 PM 

As I've said before. I don't really recommend cleaning really greasy restaurants (in fact I don't recommend cleaning restaurants at all as it is the hardest money you will ever earn)but as you can see from my greasy chinese restaurant that it is possible. But there is only so much that you expect to encapsulate.

My procedure for cleaning the chinese restaurant was as follows.

I presprayed the are with 12 oz. per gallon of regular strength Releasit and let dwell for 10 - 15 min. I then went over the area normally with the regular mixture of Releasit and worked it well with the Cimex. The worst test area in front of the kitchen (which btw was like linoleum, it was so caked)it took more work but couldn't get to an acceptable level in that particular area. I think if I was going to really clean this area, if I would have extracted that area in front of the kitchen to get out all the excess of grease and oil after all this dwell time and agitation, and then finished off with regular encapsulation with Releasit. I think it probable would have turned out awesome like the rest even with that to start with.

Rick Thode
Clean Effects
The Canadian Cimex/Releasit connnection

Tom McQuigge

Re: Question for greasy pizza store cleaner .

May 27 2004, 12:22 AM 

I just followed Ricks directions...I vacuumed well...pre-sprayed lightly with 6oz red label to a gallon...let it dwell about 3 minutes and scrubbed the normal way...spent a little more time on the tuff areas...I went back today and walk thru with the district manager and he was super impressed...i will be cleaning these stores every month so they shouldnt be a s bad from now in the bank

Current Topic - Greasy Pizza Store..WOW
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS