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let me know

May 26 2004 at 11:23 PM
steve f  

I am now 2 months into being an encaper from hwe. I am pretty confident in what I do when I HWE, done it for 14 years. Still do the residential with HWE.
I got the college I work at to buy a cimex, this is where I do the encapping. I have the second job for fun money. I am going to start encapping my commerical accounts.
I want you (if possible) to share what problems you have run into and how you solved the problem. Looking for some confidence in how the encap method works in combinations with spotters, white olefin berbers, red relief stain remover, etc..
We all seem to be from different areas, so hopefully we can share and learn.

Rick, thanks for the message board, it is very helpful

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

Derek Beyer

Re: let me know

May 27 2004, 12:17 AM 

hiyas Steve

i am new to Encap'ing comm accounts also. but after every job i do i gain more confidence.

a big help for me was reading old posts on THIS forum and using the search feature. Gary Heacock's posts are the most encouraging to me as he is a veteran and guru of sorts. he tries all kinds of "far fetched" things with Releasit and encap'ing and relates so much success.

when you mentioned Red Relief, i thought of how Gary posted his spraying the 50/50 Releasit on a wine spill and it virtually disappeared. not that it will take out ALL red stains, but that was encouraging for me to read.

as far as what i can say to encourage you, well not much as im a noob. but i will say that by encap'ing my comm accounts that i have HWE'ed the past 6-7 years, they ARE cleaner in appearance with Encap'ing versus HWE'tion. i am confident that every comm job i do, the results my clients are getting are as good or better than any they have had in the past. and the big bonus for me is the HUGE time saver of Encap'ing versus HWE'ing.

keep doing Encap and i think you will find exactly what i am and gain confidence in it.

thanx --- Derek.

steve f

Re: let me know

May 27 2004, 1:11 AM 

I have tried many things, have read all the old postings. What to hear other people's ideas. I got some free samples from Rick to start. When I ran out of that I bought some stuff from Mr. Heacock, he lives across the street from the college where I work. Have spoken to him a few times in person and by e mail.

Current Topic - let me know
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS