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Happy weekend

May 28 2004 at 4:36 PM
Douglas Keil  

Everyone have a great weekend. I'll be cleaning Sat but have Sun and Mon off can't wait.
Barbecuer's start your grills...................


Stephen Dobson

Re: Happy weekend

May 28 2004, 5:11 PM 

Look for me on TV at the Indy 500. One day a year it pays to live in Indiana. LOL
Another great day at the racetrack.
Inside turn 4 infront of that large TV screen sitting with my bologna, cokes and chips. I will be the guy with the shaved head if you see someting shining on tv as the cameras show cars from turn 4 down the home stretch. On the big grass mound, best seat in INdy. Look for me.

seriously, a GREAT weekend to all.
And remember what the weekend is about.
alot of people paid the price. we in Indiana are guilty. sometimes we think it is all about the indy500. lol
when it gets down to it though, hopefully we all remember that its not about the green, yellow or checkered flag, rather the red, white and blue one. God bless all.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

This message has been edited by sodobson on May 28, 2004 5:13 PM

Ed Carver

Re: Happy weekend

May 28 2004, 8:36 PM 

Steve will be the one holding the umbrella! LOL Actually, I was thinking about going considering I lived most of my life in Indiana, but I think I will watch it on TV and then the Coco-Cola 600 after it.

This message has been edited by Ed_Carver on May 28, 2004 8:37 PM


Re: Happy weekend

May 28 2004, 10:33 PM 

I used to go to the Indy every year, then I got married, had a few kids and the rest is history! LOL

The last time i went to the race I carried a few disposible camera's, well my buddies took some photos of the sites, and my wife was not pleased, haven't been back since!

Indy Infield Mounds coming out of turn 2 just at the start of the back stretch! OHHHHHHHHHHH the sound of LOLA

Current Topic - Happy weekend
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