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Greasy Steak-House part 2

May 31 2004 at 9:01 PM
Derek Beyer  

i am going back to the Restaurant i demoed 2 weeks ago. i ended up not demoing it but cleaning 1 of their dining rooms. i finished at 12:30 pm and they open for business at 4 pm. it is a light gray olefin that the owner claims grabs grease (of course). he said the day after i cleaned it, it looked the same as when others had HWE'ed it. i didnt have time to go back and look at it, so told him i wanted to come reclean it for free and to come earlier to give it more time to dry.

i figure the problem may have been humidity (his words) and the carpet wasnt fully dry by the time they opened. their on a lake and the owner doesnt use the A/C much. so i am getting there at 9 a.m. tomorrow and i will put carpet fans down right after i finish. maybe this is a job for HWE, but i dont think so, it looked fantastic when i left it last, hard to imagine any wicking...maybe he is the type who's never happy.

my question is, would buying some of Rick's 8" bonnet pads for my Cimex be a good idea for post "bonneting" after i Encap too speed the dry time? or would this hinder the Encap process?

and also, how many Bonnet pads do yall recommend i buy and how exactly do you use them and clean them for re-use??

thanx for any help fellas

Bonneting noob --- Derek.

jim moriarity

Re: Greasy Steak-House part 2

June 1 2004, 7:29 AM 

hey derek,

i wouldn't bonnet afterwards because it will take the releasit off. the key is to let it dry and cure then vacuum it. find out if they have vacuumed yet and if the vacuum is any good. the problem is they are tracking in new soil before it has had a chance to cure. ask the customer questions about how they use the area. do the busboys use carts with greasy wheels? how many people do they serve per day? you get the idea.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Greasy Steak-House part 2

June 1 2004, 8:35 AM 

The bonnets are useful for extracting some additional soil. This can be helpful when the carpet is loaded with soil. But I don't think bonnets are going to make that great of a difference for you on this job. You'd have to be changing the bonnets every couple of minutes. A greasy steak house may require HWE flushing. If you need to get it dry quicker, you may just want to use some blowers and fans.

Rick Gelinas

Tom Rowe

Re: Greasy Steak-House part 2

June 1 2004, 8:38 AM 

I think your on the right track. I've had resoiling problems when we did'nt have enough time for the carpet to dry.

Mark Stanley

Re: Greasy Steak-House part 2

June 1 2004, 9:59 AM 


I wouldn't even bother with the little bonnet pads for the Cimex. In my tests, they don't seem to have much moisture or soil absorbing ability. They are useful for "soft scrubbing", but a situation where you might need this ability would be rare.

There are several things that I would try before relogating this carpet back to HWE.

#1) Have the AC turned on while you are cleaning.

#2) I would Cimex it like you did.

#3) I would go back over the carpet with my 300 RPM rotary machine and dry 100% cotton bonnets (flipping them every 100 square feet).

I wouldn't even bother using air movers if the AC is on.

I have used this Cimex/HighSpeed Bonnet combo method to successfully correct a few jobs where Cimexing alone wasn't making the carpet look as good as it could be. I don't clean this way all the time. In fact, hardly ever, because the Cimex alone usually does the trick.

I'll send you my Cimex bonnet pads if you'd like to try them. I have no use for them.


Derek Beyer

Re: Greasy Steak-House part 2

June 1 2004, 5:39 PM 

thanx for the suggestions fellas!

well i went back this morning and the carpet was trashed as bad as a week and a half ago. i took several before and after photos which i am glad. after reviewing them, i think the owner and i need to realize that a restaurant that serves 48oz prime rib has alotta spills happening. no way it is wicking back, place was near dry when i left. i will try to get him on a semi-monthly maintenance plan for this one dining area....he hates this light gray carpet, other dining rooms there are all dark red.

thanx again! --- Derek.

BTW, if you want i can forward the pic's to someone if they can upload them somewhere for everyone to see.

oh and thanx for the offer Mark i will prolly just order some bonnets for the Cimex sooner or later. i am just not sure exactly how they work is all....i'll call Rick up someday and ask him.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Greasy Steak-House part 2

June 1 2004, 8:49 PM 

Send the to Rick. He can upload them.
also probably a reason that alot of steak houses are tile.
Or atleast why they have dark brown carpeting here that I have seen. Most are tile.
lets see those pics.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Current Topic - Greasy Steak-House part 2
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS