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Shut Off Valve

June 3 2004 at 8:58 AM
Mark Stanley  

I 've been using my Cimex for 6 months now. In all that time I have always left the solution shut off valve (running from the tank) wide open and controlled my solution flow with the trigger. However, lately I have learned how to go much faster with the Cimex and now I usually just hold the trigger wide open as I'm moving forward and let go as I come back over my cleaning path.

This is working out great for me and reqires very little thought to clean the carpet thoroughly (important when I start training employees). Recently, I was wondering if I could make a tankful of ReleasIt go farther if I closed down the shut off valve just a little bit.

It worked! Still foams great. Still cleans great. The foam generated seems to be a little less "saturated" so I'm guessing the carpet will dry faster. And now I can go aprox. 40% farther on a tankful of ReleasIt than I previously could.

Has anyone else adjusted their flow volume this way? (remember- I'm only talking about "slightly" closing it down).



Stephen Dobson

Re: Shut Off Valve

June 3 2004, 9:34 AM 

I am merely asking here, but wouldn't that be the same as not 'triggering as much'.??
I personally hold the trigger wide open when i am making my initial cleaning pass over uncleaned carpets.
before i get to the end, I let off as to time the release of Releasit, so that don't get alot more while i am backing up or turning around.
Seems if you wanted to put down a little less, use a 'tapping the trigger' method instead of holding it down.
You use less this way, don't have to worry about the 1/2 off or 1/2 open valve, I don't know, just how I do it.
seems like you do what works for you though.
you are saving solution and getting results.
getting great results is what it is about.
you maybe just dance to the tune of another song than myself when it comes to technique.
Good luck buddy.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Bo Newman

re: shut off

June 3 2004, 10:30 AM 

My experience has been that smooth and steady does two things - 1)cleans more evenly, and 2)uses less product.
This is accomplished by devising a system that allows one to hold the trigger at a certain point, and for the most part, refrain from "pumping" the trigger.
In previous posts I have explained what I do. It works for me, but everyone should experiment and find the best way to clean. That's what it's all about - cleaning until it's clean at the fastest rate possible.
For me it's a no-brainer. When the trigger is pulled all the way to the handle and held there, you get too much solution. When you pump it you get less, but you have to think about it, and your hand can get tired. So, the solution is to make it idiot proof (well, almost).
In other words, find your own solution. You can do it.
But don't expect people you hire to find it.

This message has been edited by B-Newman on Jun 3, 2004 10:35 AM

Derek Beyer

Re: re: shut off

June 3 2004, 1:09 PM 

i agree Bo. my puny hands get tired from constant trigger pumping lol. with my reccent bad flare up of tennis elbow in the right arm, i was EXTREMELY surprised and happy that the trigger was on the left of my Cimex (unless they mistakenly sent me a left-handed Cimex.?.)

so now that i have been using my left arm alot more, i am getting nervous about picking up tennis elbow in the left also. i will give that a try Mark.

thanx fellas --- Derek


Re: re: shut off

June 3 2004, 3:14 PM 

It is getting bad when it is so easy to clean that now we are asking how to run a trigger.

Bo Newman

re - shut off

June 3 2004, 6:18 PM 

Yeah, ain't it great!
But sometimes the difference between a great cleaning job and a good one is a lot of little things.
Also, the difference between making a lot of money and just doing o.k. is often a lot of little things.
Think of it this way - who gets the better gas mileage with his car - the guy who pumps the accelerator all the time or the one who has a steady foot? And who would you rather ride with?
Now, that ought to be enough on that subject.
Let's get back to how to get customers, and cleaning greasy restaurants.

Current Topic - Shut Off Valve
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS