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Steak House Part 3

June 3 2004 at 1:34 PM
Derek Beyer  

when i recleaned it Tuesday i spent more time on it, going over the traffic lanes twice (the 1st wet pass acted like a "prespray" pass, then 15 minutes later i made the 2nd wet pass...each wet pass was followed by 2 dry passes). this time i made sure to put out alot less solution than the 1st cleaning and i focused on agitation doing the work.

never used any of the 50/50 (spotter)mix either. everything came out great as i mentioned, but more importantly, stayed that way through Wednesday! the owner was happy and i hope to have a new client since none of the HWE cleaners could touch it...gotta get him on a monthly shedule.

seems the 2nd cleaning did the trick! --- Derek.

BTW, i am still perfecting my method. the 1st couple times i Encap'ed i didnt know (or think) to take the dry pass...what a difference that makes! and i dont like to prespray the Releasit solution as it makes me sneeze, so i will go over an area / traffic lane one quick wet pass and one quick dry pass, then go over it again in 5-15 minutes with a wet pass and 1-2 dry passes. i feel this would take as long as putting any pre-spray down and "raking" it in, and alot less effort. anyone else do this??

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Jun 3, 2004 1:36 PM

Current Topic - Steak House Part 3
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS