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Encap on Milliken Carpet

June 6 2004 at 9:05 AM
Fred Gruber Jr.  

Yesterday I had the day off (yeah right) taking the kids to baseball parade, birthday pary and picking up supplies while my wife was at a bridal shower. I decided to clean my living room carpet and stairs (low pile milliken print). The wife has been bugging me for weeks to clean them. It's that I've been super busy. I usually HWE it every 3 months but decided to try encapping it this time. I pre-vacced it and mixed up a gal of solution with 1/2 of the sample of release-it. I used my old trusty powrflite 17" rotary machine with the shower-feed brush to apply the solution and groomed the pile. I used a brush to clean the steps. I haven't post-vacced it yet, but the carpet looks great. It dried fairly quick with the ceiling fan and the carpet feels nice and soft. I will be trying it on some of my commercial maintainence accounts soon that I altenate HWE and bonnet cleaning. I am also looking into buying a Cimex machine in the near future but will continue using my rotary for the meantime.

Is it a good Idea to post-bonnet on certain carpets, or is it not neccesary?


Derek Beyer

Re: Encap on Milliken Carpet

June 7 2004, 12:48 AM 

i would say not necessary. the carpet type would not mean anything. the type of condition the carpet is in may determine if you wanna post-bonnet it. but i honestly dont think even that is necessary.

thanx --- Derek.

Clay Carson

Fred, that does NOT qualify as a 'day off'!!

June 7 2004, 7:02 PM 

Sounds like your plate's full, hombre!

If the goal were to do the ultimate in cleaning, no matter the cost, I'm sure post bonnetting would pull more soil out. But it probably isn't necessary and may not even make a noticeable difference.

But if you got nothing but time on your hands, go for it!

Current Topic - Encap on Milliken Carpet
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