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Removing Adhesive left from two sided stickey tape

June 9 2004 at 7:56 PM
John Watson  

2 wks ago a job was scheduled at a retirement home for a partial cleaning of their 39,000 sqft common areas. One problem area was the back entry where someone a year ago had applied double sided carpet tape to 2 4x6 entry matts. Not just the perimiters but every sq in of the backs.6 months ago they changed matts. No more tape, but, they wanted us to remove the black stuff on their loop pile carpet. They said they had tried everything but the kitchen sink with no results. I said no problem,

Whoops!! Now we have removed cutback and other residue over the years very easy. While we used Release it with the fiber pads and our rotary machine on the hallways we set up our truck to do the problem area. I keep some of chemspec's solvent based soil lifter on hand, this has worked for all types of stickey stuff removal. Did not touch it. Looked a little cleaner but still was black and stickey. (my son, Jay told me this the next day) No Problem, I let the administrater know that it was going to take a couple times to make it go away. He said fine since we will be here on a weekly bais.

Last Wed eve I had Jay set up the truck again and pretreat with a citrasol mixture that I was instructed to use buy a manufactor. In the mean time I took the R 48 Cimex that I barrowed from a friend to do the dining room areas. Jay came in and said it was better but still not perfect. I told him to go pretreat the area again, but let it sit and I would be out in a few minutes. I took the Cimex with the fiber pads, Release it and removed the problem area. End of Chapter 1


Re: Removing Adhesive left from two sided stickey tape

June 10 2004, 8:16 AM 

We have had great results removing tape residue with the Cimex and a volitile spotter. Have done several jobs in the last year, the latest was just on Monday nite.

Derek Beyer

Re: Removing Adhesive left from two sided stickey tape

June 10 2004, 1:26 PM 

man so many things the Cimex can do....i never think to use it with anything but Releasit....gotta buy me a set of the Cimex Brush attachements.

thanx for the great info John --- Derek.

Current Topic - Removing Adhesive left from two sided stickey tape
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS