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Moving Furniture

June 11 2004 at 12:38 AM
Derek Beyer  

i may have my 1st regular restaurant account. they are open 24 / 7 which stinks. are their any good sides to those hours??

anyways, a couple other questions :

1) how do yall handle the moving of furniture in restaurants? do you have their employees move them or help move some? or do you take care of it?

2) besides restaurants, how about other commercial accounts? like department stores, who moves racks / furniture?

thanx in advance --- Derek.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Moving Furniture

June 11 2004, 1:17 AM 

Hey Derek,
Since I never return your calls, lol, I will atleast make contact on the BB. ha
to your question, in all my stores, restaurants I say, I have the mgr. have the employees put up the chairs. I go in usually about 15 minutes after closing and get started.
As far as other types of stores, you will probably be the moving man when it migh come to clothes racks, etc.
Remember with the cimex, there (in most instances) isn't prespray or dwell time. so you dont have to move a hugh area and then spray and wait and go on and do something else. YOu can move a small area. Vacuum, encap it and move stuff back onto it, block it, etc.
I guess I am saying that you dont have to clear 1/2 the store, then move all that stuff, then do the other half. thats a nice advantage. In some of my tighter stores, i may only move three tables or so and then move stuff back and repeat the process.
space will dictate what you do alot of the times.
You will find your method.
In tighter areas, don't forget that you can use the handle in the straight up manner. It allows you to get into tighter areas. I have read posts where people talk about space and have the handle pretty flat. That eats up space, but is very comfortable and ordinary in the open space cleaning that we all love and want.
good luck buddy.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Stephen Dobson

Re: Moving Furniture

June 11 2004, 1:25 AM 

Another thing to look at in restaurants. what are the legs like on the bottom of the tables and chairs. you dont want to leave rust everywhere.
On all my stores, i am lucky. they are plastic on the bottom. so I look like a helluva' guy and go ahead and put down the chairs and salt/pepper shakers and set the store up,etc.
It saves them time from not having an employee come in early and do it. It makes me look good.
it takes me a whopping 10 minutes to do it as I go. i can afford that since they give me all the work and accounts.
Value Added Service. give em' more than what they ask for.
If it is metal, you need to tab, or block the tables and leave the chairs up. but you say your store is 24/7
You will just have to experiment.
using the cimex isnt near as wet as HWE. You will figure it out.
Maybe you can leave the chairs upside down for just a short time while an airmover is on, then rotate that theory around the store as you go. The later times in the night will be less busy, duhhhhh, and allow you more convenient working conditions, unless you are doing a Dennys' on a friday night at 3AM and cleaning between all the drunks. LOL
Then, I can't help you. You are on your own.
Just unplug the Cimex and drink with em' lol
just dont take or offer shots of Releasit. YUCK
We dont want any encapped vomit haha

Good luck.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

John Watson

Re: Moving Furniture

June 11 2004, 2:18 AM 

On the new account we just landed which has 2 dining rooms 1 is 1900 sq the other is 2400 sq. the Kitchen staff does a quick vac after their 5PM dinner (just to pick up the "chunks" a tecnicial term I learned from Tom Hill)Then the maint crew (A retired guy in his early 70's,) moves all tables and chairs to one side. We arrive at 6:30 to 7PM clean the open areas and then slide all out to the center area. the tables are already set up for breakfast so we are carfull not to drop the flatware. Then we go clean some of the 34700 sq of hallways on a rotating sch. till 10PM.

George WIlls

Re: Moving Furniture

June 11 2004, 3:14 AM 

I perfer to move the furnature myself. I want to make it as easy and stress free on the management as possable. I can hire a guy to move the furnature for me for $25 bucks or so. Restraunt staff is slow and you will probably find yourself helping thm so your not waiting around all day. Build it in to your price and offer FULL service.


Re: Moving Furniture

June 11 2004, 4:47 PM 

We always move the tables and chairs. If you don't a company will come along someday and offer to do it and you will lose the account. That is how I have gotten some LOL.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Moving Furniture

June 12 2004, 3:56 PM 

I have preferred moving anything that needs to be moved myself- and a helper- because if the store or restaurant employees do it, they move the stuff someplace inconvenient to me. Say they move all the chairs and tables to one end, I clean the open areas, they move the stuff onto the cleaned areas, I clean the now cleared area, the tables and chairs have to be moved back into their proper areas.

Too much moving, and too much time. My preference is to move anything that needs to be moved the smallest distance possible to clean under it. That means only it's own width away. Move once to clean under, then back onto the cleaned area. With a helper- he moves the table, I clean under it, he moves it right back and tabs or blocks it, if it needs. A lot quicker on the entire job.

In stores, most gondolas and shelves don't need to be moved. Standing racks, tables, etc may or may not need to be moved, lots can be cleaned under without moving them. that's a judgement call, but the store employees can't make that call, because they have no idea of what equipment I have and what it can clean under or not, only I can determine that.

So, if employees WANT to help, I tell them don't move anything unless I say to move it, and only move it where I say move it to.


Current Topic - Moving Furniture
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