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Rick,TM Releasit

June 11 2004 at 4:50 PM

Rick, how close are you with the TM encap?


Rick Gelinas

HWE Products... Soon :-)

June 11 2004, 6:09 PM 

We're still working on the formulation. It's like walking a tight wire. A little too far to the left or to the right and it's not going to work. Balancing true crystallization with cleaning performance is the issue.

I’m happy to report that we have it almost there, but it's still not quite perfect. The development process kind of reminds of sailing... you tack, you tack, you tack, and you tack, in order to reach your destination. Well we keep tacking and moving closer to the destination. We are getting close.

I had a lengthy conference call with my chemist and the vice president of the chemical manufacturing company this morning. The crystallization in the HWE products is phenomenal right now, but we still need a little more cleaning punch. So once again, we walk the tight wire, trying to add a little more on the detergent side. My chemist will be making up some new variations of the formulas for me to evaluate.

With just a little more tweaking we will be ready to go. I will be receiving a few more samples in a couple of days. I have gone through so many samples at this point that I'm about to pull my few remaining hairs out. But I’m determined to get it right.

I expect that the next group of samples will most likely bring us to the point of what we’re looking to achieve. So I would expect that we should be ready to run by the end of the month or the first part of July. That’s the projected time frame we’re considering. So just be patient – the new products will be here before you know it.

Rick Gelinas


Stephen Dobson

Hey Rick!

June 11 2004, 6:31 PM 

We are patient Rick because we know if it is anything like Releasit, it will have been well worth the money and time.
We appreciate your determination to get it right.
If it does 1/10th of what the Cimex and Releasit is doing for companies, i need to hire someone to shovel the money and make deposits. lol

keep up the good work

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Ed Carver

Re: Hey Rick!

June 11 2004, 6:47 PM 

Glad to hear that you are trying to improve on it. I would much rather wait and get an excellent product instead of one that is hurried through the system to just make you some quick money. Anyways, the excellent product will end up making you more money in the long run!

Patient Ed


Re: Rick,TM Releasit

June 13 2004, 3:45 PM 

Thanks Rick,
I too, would rather wait and get it right. Keep up the great work.

Current Topic - Rick,TM Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS