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Oh Nooooo, say it aint so Gary Heacock......

June 14 2004 at 9:31 PM
Ken Cox  

I just read below that you're going to retire in July ...???

Say it ain't so !!

Do I need to start looking for a new BOK rep ???

It's a sad day...

Let me know whats up, please.

Thanks Gary

Gary R. Heacock


June 17 2004, 3:36 AM 

Whew!! I hadda big day today. Brought in $650.00. Too much sweat for a geezer.

What I am thinking of doing when I quit cleaning is going on the road for Bi-O-Kleen products. Not yet cut and dried, but just in case it happens, I bought a Buick Park Avenue, which is a lot better road car than my Taurus.

Whatta beauty. Maroon with a white canvas top like a 4 door convertable. I lovvit!!

Also in the back of my mind is if I do go on the road, maybe I can promote Rick's products too. I gotta talk to Rick.


Ken Cox

ok, so ...

June 17 2004, 8:33 AM 

will you (or your office folks) still be able
fill BOK as they are emailed in like we
currently do, or will I need to find a new
BOK rep/source ?

Thanks and good luck but be careful on the road


Gary R. Heacock


June 18 2004, 2:14 AM 

Sorry, Ken, I did not properly answer your question.

I am still planning on representing Bi-O-Kleen products, whether I go on the road for them or not has not been decided by either side.

Perhaps as a salesman, perhaps as a consultant. Anyway, I will keep everybody posted when any plans gell.


Current Topic - Oh Nooooo, say it aint so Gary Heacock......
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