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HWE, RotoVac and Releasit.....

June 15 2004 at 3:04 AM

Well, I've again been playing around using Releasit as my prespray, followed by a RotoVac extraction... with some incredible results. Haven't had to use any defoamer even!....

After prespraying, I do let it dwell very briefly and have been hitting spots/traffic lanes with the rotary and no vacuum at first... kind of neat to see the carpet appear clean before I start to clean... I love telling the customers that I'm getting ready to start cleaning soon.... "this is only the 'prep' work".

Are there others that are doing this? If so, what are you mixing the prespray at?... I'm spending some buckos at 6 oz's per gal. (of double strength) prespray...
burned through almost 1/2 gallon today.

Yes, I know Rick is coming out with a product... But, what about this week? What are folks doing now? Is it as effective at weaker solutions in the prespray?

Thanks for any ideas/suggestions!

Coby Gibson
Carpet Restoration Services
North Pole, Alaska


Re: HWE, RotoVac and Releasit.....

June 15 2004, 8:31 AM 

I have been using it for HWE as well at times. It seems to work good-- I mix it about 70/30 with water in my hydroforce with the standard tip in it and then spray it on the carpets. I have boosted it some times with some citra-solve and that seemed to work great. Some other chems I boosted it with also had the opposite effect--seemed to neutralize each other- so be careful and test if you mix other stuff together with it.


Current Topic - HWE, RotoVac and Releasit.....
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS