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One word------AWESOME

June 15 2004 at 6:29 PM

Jay Schonts  

I used my new Cimex for the first time today. I am cleaning the halls and common areas of a 3 story apt complex for mostly senior citizens. The 4 halls per floor are about 130'long each. 4 passes were perfect for the width of the job. I usually do 1 floor a day (HWE) with a helper. Today I got a late start, completed the 3rd floor, throughly vac'd the 2nd floor AND is half done (encap)-all without a helper. It was the strangest thing looking at my TM while trying to get started. I'd look at my hoses and say," Well I don't need those. huh..well ok..." LOL

Mike Hogan

Re: One word------AWESOME

June 15 2004, 8:45 PM 

You will find your tm becoming less relevant regarding
commercial.......I LOVE my Butler,however,E-cap makes
a lot more $ and does a better job than hwe on comm'l

Jeff Jones

Re: One word------AWESOME

June 15 2004, 10:20 PM 

Yup I was looking at my TM tonight as I did another Cimex job too. I am getting used to it now and liking the fact that I dont have to run out all those hoses and kick them around and have them ball up at the bottom of a stairwell.

The client was Very happy and by the time we got done talking a little and I put things back in the truck it was almost dry, they were very pleased.

Thanks Rick for one of the greatest things to hit the CC market in a long time.



Stephen Dobson

Re: One word------AWESOME

June 15 2004, 11:07 PM 

I know what you mean about not running the Butler near as much.
Out of `10 jobs, i will encap three of them now. I will bonnet two and HWE 5. It comes down to being open with your ideas, knowing other methods are out there and they work if done properly. Thats another good thing about attending IICRC courses. You learn other methods and it opens your mind.
Not running the TM sure saves gas on the DD units, wear and tear, etc.
Any time I dont have to pull hoses, etc. is a bonus.
The cimex jobs are jobs that fit that bill. I love it.
Obviously I cimex/encap all my commercial accts, but also about all of my residential berbers to 'great' results.
good luck guys. Happy cleaning.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Derek Beyer

Re: One word------AWESOME

June 16 2004, 2:11 AM 

no Butler here, but a Recoil 3 does the same job...HWE is HWE as we know, depends on the operator.

Recoil3, Butler, Vortex....who cares, Encap with Cimex blows ANY and ALL of 'em outta the water when it comes to commercial.

congrats Jay and get used to it, i told ya you'd love it hehe . i am still scratching my head on every job...i cant get over the fact that it is this easy and i dont have to drag hoses anymore lol.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - One word------AWESOME
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