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How do I encap stairs?

June 16 2004 at 10:58 AM
Alex Hill  

Just bought a Cimex and I'm encapping my first job tomorrow night, an 11,000 facility. We've HWE it a few times in the past. I got thinking about it, and realize they've got a few flights of stairs. Then it donned on me... "huh, how do I encap those?" I'm sure there's a way. Thanks for your help.

Also, how much realisit should I need for that amount of space?


ps- I'll let you know how it goes on Friday.
pps - If only I could encap their tile too!

Bo Newman

re-encap stairs

June 16 2004, 1:39 PM 

The best thing for you to do would be to go to the beginning of this site, look for "search", enter "stairs" and you will get more information than you can use. Good luck.

Rick Thode

Re: How do I encap stairs?

June 16 2004, 2:35 PM 

Hi Alex:

I assume you are using a Cimex and the carpet is average soiling. You will probably use in the neighborhood of 2 - 3 gallons of regular strength Releasit or half of that amount of double strength.

My favorite way to do stairs is with the Oreck orbiter and 12" Fiber Plus pads. That works great. Short of that, some guys use a Makita 600 RPM Polisher with decent success.

Rick Thode
Clean Effects Ltd.
Your Canadian Releasit/Cimex Connection.

Derek Beyer

Re: How do I encap stairs?

June 16 2004, 2:52 PM 

good suggestions above.

short of what Rick mentioned, if you dont have an Oreck or a hand buffer, just pop off one of your pad drivers with the FP (FiberPlus) pad attached. what i plan on doing is getting a pail / bucket of Releasit mixed at the same ratio as you put in the Cimex. then dip the pad driver with FP pad in the bucket (wear gloves of course) and got to town scrubbing the steps.

if your not into a little elbow grease, then you'd have to buy something as mentioned above.

thanx and i know you'll love your Cimex!

thanx --- Derek.


Re: How do I encap stairs?

June 17 2004, 3:43 PM 

We do it the same way Derek said in above post works great

Current Topic - How do I encap stairs?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS