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Nursing Homes

June 18 2004 at 4:06 PM

If you had a nursing home to clean [only common areas, not rooms] would you
[A] Use the encapsulation method
[B] Use a hot water extraction cleaning system
Note: Truckmounts are out because of security issue


Re: Nursing Homes

June 18 2004, 4:38 PM 

if you live in PA (B) and then give them my name when you are done.

steve f

Re: Nursing Homes

June 18 2004, 4:42 PM 

If you read the article in the clean fax magazine, it looks like encap is the only way to go. I would encap it, if you wanted the most soil removal, run a bonnet over it after the encap. Clean any urine with encap, or bac-out, follow with odorcide if the smell persists.

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

This message has been edited by sfrasier on Jun 18, 2004 4:44 PM

Mike Hogan

Re: Nursing Homes

June 18 2004, 5:52 PM 

We do the Edgehill Nursing home in Ct.
Only e-cap and they love it.Dries fast for the elderly,
Cafeteria area stays cleaner longer,no hoses in and

Derek Beyer

Re: Nursing Homes

June 18 2004, 6:19 PM 

B of course. Commercial is always Encap. some resi work also.

thanx --- Derek.

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Nursing Homes

June 18 2004, 11:02 PM 

I would encap it. Actually I have done this in 2 that I do on a regular basis, formerly done with my Truck Mount and HWE for some 10 years, encapped since Oct last year.

So far, nobody has died- at least from the carpet cleaning.

(As far as I know.)



Stephen Dobson

The advantages of encapping this account

June 19 2004, 2:34 AM 

I would encap it and i spend alot of time in the nursing home since my dad is in and out due to paralysis. this is what i would see and the advantages of encapsulation over HWE. But bonnet care would be a nice option too.
1. faster drying times. no brainer
2. No hoses. no getting in the way of emergency crews, wheelchairs, walkers, etc.
3. Faster drying times that play into there being alot of VCT in bathrooms, cafeterias and the slip and fall possibilities when going from carpeting to tile.
4. usually no odor. not with Releasit. Odors come into play bigtime when it comes to sick people, this type of environment.
5. A biggie, atleast if you have a TM and no portable like me...NO NOISE. I love the cimex and encapping for this reason.
In this environment, someone is always sleeping, sick, has a headache and they are always paging' doctors over the intercom.
They can't hear, sleep or get better if you are making too much noise. LOL

I am sure there are others. but too tired at this time to think anymore. Good Night.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

This message has been edited by sodobson on Jun 19, 2004 2:36 AM
This message has been edited by sodobson on Jun 19, 2004 2:34 AM

Current Topic - Nursing Homes
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS