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I can't explain it...

June 19 2004 at 10:04 PM
Gary R. Heacock  

But here it is. Plain fact. No bull. Think what you like. I know what I think.

A long standing residential customer with 2 Muffie-Poo type dogs. I clean her carpet regularly every 6 months. Done it for at least 10 years. The dogs urinate in the house. The house stinks. For the last 9 or so years, I have Truck Mount HWE it, because of the dirt and the smell. No point in trying to remove the urine separately because of the constant re- depositing from the dogs. So, I pretty well know what the waste water from the Truck Mount looked like, color, consistency and odor.

In January, I decided to encap this job for 2 reasons. The weather was awful that day and I did not want to set up the Truck Mount, open door for the hoses, freezing garden hose, etc. So I used Releasit Encapsulating Detergent and a Fiber Plus Pad.

Today, I have a look around. The carpet has NEVER looked as clean after the 6 month interval. The stink from the urine deposits was NEVER as slight as it was today. Still there- I am not going to say it was not, but VERY slight, relatively speaking.

The difference was from an eye burning stench, down to sniff-sniff- yes, there IS an odor. BIG difference.

OK, I HWE it. Same as usual. Taking a look at the color, consistency and odor of the waste water- VERY light!! Not a lot of dirt there. Sure, a lot of dog hair- that was about the same. No Noticable odor from the waste water. Maybe there was a little, but not the stench that has been in the past.

So... I think I am gonna just encap this job in the future.

And a buncha others with the same type problem.

Hey- it works, why not?



Stephen Dobson

Re: I can't explain it...

June 20 2004, 12:32 AM 

congrats Gary.
whatever you do, please dont let the fellas over on the ICS board know about your plans to encap a previous HWE job. They will have a 'cow'. LOL
good luck


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Gary R. Heacock

Yeah, they would explode

June 21 2004, 11:38 PM 

I thought of posting this very post on the ICS board, decided not to, they would explode. while there certainly some folks there that have an open mind, I think most have a closed mind, and are not willing to accept anything new or different from what they are taught.

Some of the folks there do come here, I think those with an open mind, the others reject OP, bonneting, shampooing and encapping, so let them continue with what they know.

Recently at my local suppliers, I was talking to another cleaner- a closed mind version- and he told me flatly that encapping and other methods don't compare to Truck Mount cleaning, and cannot because they have no heat, no high vacuum, no high pressure, so other methods cannot work. OK, I sez, come help or watch me do a commercial job, I gave him time and directions. He did not show up.

Some people could not change their minds with dynamite, so... keep on doing it the way you always have, and the same problems you always have, and that's just the nature of the business.


Current Topic - I can't explain it...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS