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Encapping Asphalt crack seal

June 21 2004 at 10:46 AM

Last Tuesday I encapped one of my regular janitorial accounts. It came out better than usual and everyone was happy.
On Friday morning I get a call, Seems the DPW decided to seal the cracks in the parking lot and not cover them on one of the hottest days we've had so far this season. So people are tracking this sealer into the building on my nice clean carpet!
On Sunday I finally get to do something about the situation. Thinking about the greasy hands info I say lets try a stong solution of releasit. I mixed about 6 ounces of double strength releasit to 26 ounces of hot water. I had a helper saturate the 50 or so halve dollar size spots and let it dwell for about 3-5 minutes. Then I wet the whole area with a 1.5 strength of releasit (6 oz to a gallon) and run my machine over it. It appeared the stains were gone.
This morning I called (45 minute ride) and the spots are all gone!!!!!!
I'm lovin it!!!!!!

Sorry no pics.

This message has been edited by PAULSMCNAMARA on Jun 21, 2004 10:48 AM

Gary R. Heacock

You are onto something!!

June 21 2004, 11:50 PM 

I have not needed to try this aspect, but I am glad to hear it worked!!

So far, the only real failure of Releasit was when used for windshield cleaner!!


Derek Beyer


June 22 2004, 12:16 AM 


Current Topic - Encapping Asphalt crack seal
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS