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June 25 2004 at 2:16 PM

It is good to see that there are people who realize the value of encapping carpets. I have been enacapping for about 6 yrs. The biggest difference I have noticed is the quality of the newer generation of chemicals. I hate to sound arrogant but I have never understood how hwe alone could clean carpets.I am anxious to try releasit,I have been using zep shampoo and it works pretty good ,but with everything I have read here it seems realeasit is the real deal! I have learned that the texture of the carpet should be the determining factor as to whether tot use a brush or a floor pad . Believe it or not a RED floor pad works really well. I do want to know will releasit work in a slf contained machine .And if so do I need to add anti-foam to the solution tank. Looking forward to chatting with you guys because I feel we can all learn from each other !

Gary R. Heacock

Re: encap

June 25 2004, 2:28 PM 

Releasit Encapsulating Detergent will work in a self contained machine. Do NOT add a defoamer.


bob Wittkamp

Self contained machine?

June 25 2004, 6:55 PM 

What kind of self contained machine?

Donald- Eldred

Re: Self contained machine?

June 26 2004, 9:07 AM 

Bob, they are all the same "spit and suck"
One with a brush action works best, have one tried it with encap detergent was not impressed, too slow.

Derek Beyer

Re: Self contained machine?

June 28 2004, 10:44 AM 

glad to have ya posting here rmarkham

srry i dont know anything about self-contained units. but i think you will love Releasit.

with several years of encap'ing under your belt, i am lookin forward to more of your comments....dont be a stranger.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - encap
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS